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Awards of Orbit Tourneys 2011-2014
orb(24.04.2016) Here is the special edition of Orbit magazine with many Awards of Helpmates, Selfmates, Fairies, Proof Games and Retro tourneys 2011-2014! Enjoy hundreds excellent problems and many masterpieces from the last few years of one of the best chess composition magazine in the world! To open the file CLICK HERE. 
KoBulChess Helpmates 2014 Award
logo(23.02.2016) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Helpmates 2014. The editors thank Abdelaziz Onkoud for his excellent work! The award is open for claims for 1 month period.
KoBulChess Threemovers 2015 AWARD
logo(20.02.2016) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Threemovers 2015. The editors thank C.G.S. Narayanan for his excellent work! The award is open for claims for 1 month period.
KoBulChess Selfmates 2014 - Award
logo(06.01.2016) We start 2016 with the Award of KoBulChess Selfmates 2014. Many thanks to Andrey Selivanov for his judgement! The Award is open for claims for 1 month.
Andon Petkov 100 MT 2015 - Award
andon.petkovpetko.petkov(01.02.2015) Here is the award of the Andon Petkov 100 MT 2015 which was organized by the bulgarian top composer IGM Petko Petkov in the memory of his father. The tourney is very strong and high quality so I believe all fairy lovers will enjoy! To see the Award CLICK HERE.
KoBulChess Threemovers 2014 - Award
logo(28.01.2015) This is the award of KoBulChess Threemovers 2014. Many thanks to the judge Henk le Grand for his fast work! The award remains open for one month period.
KoBulChess Fairies 2014 - Award
logo(12.01.2014) Only few days after the end of 2014 we have another ready award of the Informal tourney - KoBulChess Fairies 2014! Many thanks to the judge Franz Pachl for his quick work. He divided the award into two sections - miniatures and problems with more than 7 pieces. It is open for objections for one month period.
KoBulChess Twomovers 2014 - Award
logo(04.01.2015) We are just a beginning of 2015 but here you can see the award of KoBulChess Twomovers 2014! It was really nice surprise for me to receive this detailed award by the Judge Karol Mlynka on 01.01.2015! Thank you very much Karol for this award which remains open for claims for 1 month period.
2nd KoBulChess TT - Christmas tourney 2014 AWARD
christmastourney(25.12.2014) Here is the Award of the 2nd KoBulChess TT - Cristmas Tourney 2014! Many thanks to all participants and to the judge IM Krassimir Gandev for his quick work. The award remains open for 1 month period.
KoBulChess Selfmates 2013 Award
logo(21.12.2014) This is the Award of KoBulChess Selfmates 2013. Many thanks to the judge IGM Petko Petkov for the award which remains open for claims for 1 month period.
KoBulChess Helpmates 2013 Award (Part 2 - H#n)
logo(06.12.2014) This is the second part of the KoBulChess Helpmates 2013 Award which is for helpmates in 2.5 and more moves. Many thanks to the judge Mario Parrinello for his educative and well presented award, which remains open for one month period. Congratulations to all awarded composers!
KoBulChess Selfmates 2012 Award

logo(19.11.2014) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Selfmates 2012. This was the first year when the website started its Informal tourneys so the entries was not so many, but I hope you will enjoy the selection of the judge. The award is open for one month period for contestations. The editors of the website thank IGM Petko Petkov for his excellent job.

KoBulChess Twomovers 2013 - AWARD
logo(07.11.2014) Today is the Birthday of Dr. Paz Einat from Israel - the judge of KoBulChess Twomovers 2013. This is an excellent moment to publish his award, which he has been sent to me 2 months ago. The award will be open for 1 month period for claims. Congratulations to the winners and Happy Birthday Paz!
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 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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