KoBulChess Threemovers 2015 AWARD |
![]() KoBulChess Threemovers Award: 2015
Judge: C.G.S.Narayanan
I received 14 three-movers published in 2015 from Kalyan Seetharaman for judging. Half the number of problems were of good quality and the rest were average. Two of the entries- 538 was an improvement over the same composer’s earlier work and 610 had a predecessor too close to be considered. I gave preference to originality in conception while preparing the award and the prize winners were automatic choices. The rest of the award is an admixture of entries both traditional and modern.
First prize: Igor Agapov(Russia) No.589
This four variation Zabunov, inclusive of the threat, is a path breaking effort presented with a fine key. I particularly liked the subtle emergence of vertical R+P battery after the flight Ke4 in this masterpiece.Two of the thematic second moves arriving as third move mates is an additional feature in this worthy prize-winner. An earlier 5-variation example by Zabunov himself had only three thematic second moves albeit with five different mates.
![]() Second prize: Evgeni Bourd (Israel) No.549
This one presents a novel variant in three move Fleck never seen before where black separates the second white moves with changed play. The threats use the need to guard e5 whereas the dual avoidance variations by black blocking d4, force each one of the three threats in turn with change in the third move mate. A highly original concept.
![]() First Hon. Mention: Alexander Sygurov (Russia) No.571
This is a massive task problem combining Pickaninny and WQ-star well constructed by the Russian expert but the double defect of flight taking key and the short threat made me reluctantly place this below the prize winners.
![]() 2nd Hon. mention: Evgeni Bourd No.542
A traditional three-mover of high quality. A nice blend of mates after the flights and after the blocks on d5 and e5 coupled with a very good key and threat. The set continuation for 1…Qe5 is a nice addition.
![]() 1st Comm: Ladsilav Salai (Slovakia) No.566
There are four white’s second moves, two by the white pawns and two by the wNd2, which interchange their roles on the third moves resulting in double checks. Here too the provision of set continuation is a valued addition.
![]() 2nd Comm: Fedor Davidenko (Russia). No.666
There are plenty of examples featuring white cycles but this elegantly constructed cycle stands out with its clear-cut second and third moves by the major pieces on the files after the threat and three defences.
![]() 3rd Commended: M.Parthasarathy (India) No.690
Roman decoy is as old as the hills and numerous economical examples have been produced but this one with mutual interferences by the decoyed pieces on their second black moves is impressive. Not to be missed is the obstruction on h6 in the thematic tries!
![]() ![]() FIDE Master for chess composition
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Thanking you,
This was a problem he composed years ago and was in a booklet of his problems he himself had prepared! He is not composing for several years now. Still you are our inspiration and hope we will continue to be active when we reach your age!
hearing all our seniors name inspired me ---!!
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