KoBulChess Selfmates 2014 - Award |
![]() KoBulChess Selfmates 2014
Judge: Andrey Selivanov
In the section Selfmates of KoBulChess IT 2014 were published 20 problems by 19 composers from 10 countries (Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Russia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, USA): numbers 312, 320, 339, 355, 363, 375, 380, 389.1, 393, 395, 400, 407, 408.1, 430, 436, 458, 465, 470, 480, 487. Very interesting and informative competition.
![]() 1st Prize – n.465 Ivan Soroka
Very harmonious problem with creation of different white batteries. Three nice variations with different mates. Good key. The best problem in this tourney. Congratulation, Ivan!
1.Rda5! (zz)
1...Bg2 2.Qg7+ Kd6 3.Rd8+ Ke6 4.Bd7+ Kd6 5.Bxg4+ Kc6 6.Bxf3+ Bxf3#
1...Kd6(b7) 2.Qd5+ Kc7 3.Qc5+ Kb7 4.Bc6+ Kc7 5.Bxf3+ Kd7 6.Bxg4+ Bxg4#
1…Bf1 2.R8a7+ Kd6 3.Bc5+ Ke5 4.Re7+ Kf5 5.Bf2+ Bb5 6.Re2! fxe2#
2nd Prize – n.487 Waldemar Tura
Good construction. Original selfmate strategy.
1.Qe7?, 1…h5!
1.Qd7! (2.Qa7+ Kxd6 3.Re6+ fxe6#)
1...d4 2.Rec8+ Kd5 3.Qe6+ fxe6#
1...h5 2.Sb3+ Kc4 3.Se3+ Rxe3#
1...h6 2.cxb4+ Kd4 3.Be3+ Rxe3#
3rd Prize – n.312 Miodrag Mladonovic
Defences on one field. Reciprocal changes.
1...Rxd6x2.Bxe6+A Re6 3.Qxd4+ Rxd4#
1...Bxd6y2.Sf4+B Bxf4 3.Qxd4+ Rxd4#
1.Qg6?(2.Sxe3+ dxe3 3.Qe4+ Rxe4#), 1…h1B!
1.Qh7!(2.Sxe3+ dxe3 3.Qe4+ Rxe4#)
1...Rxd6x2.Sf4+B Ke5 3.Qe4+Qxe4#
1...Bxd6y2.Bxe6+A Ke5 3.Qe4+Qxe4#
1...h1B 2.Sxe3+ dxe3 3.Qxh1+ Re4#
![]() 4th Prize – n.320 Steven Dowd
Very economical position- gravura. Black minimal. Two variants with echo-mates.
1.Sc5? 1…Qb8!
1.Sd4? 1…Qxa8!
1.Sa5! (zz)
1…Qxa8 2.Bf5+ Ke8 3.Qd7+ Kf8 4.Qg7+ Ke8 5.Qf7+ Kd8 6.Sb7+ Qxb7 7.Qe7+ Qxe7#
1…Qb8 2.Kg5 Qxa8(c8) 3.Bg4+ Ke8 4.Rg8+ Kf7 5.Qg6+ Ke7 6.Sc6+ Qxc6 7.Qf6+ Qxf6# 5th Prize – n.430 Gennadi Koziura
Two model echo-mates, but not very original.
1.Qg5! f3 2.Kf1 f2 3.Bd8! Ka8 4.Bg2 Ka7 5.Bxb6+ Bxb6 6.Qc5 Bxc5 7.Sxb5+ Bxb5#
1…fxg3 2.Rh8 g2 3.Rh2! Ka8 4.Qg8+ Ka7 5.Bb8+ Ka8 6.Bxb7+ Bxb7 7.Sxb6 Bxb6#
6th Prize – n.393 Zoran Gavrilovski
Very good key! The black king opens the line to the Bishop. Сhange of the play to the same defences.
1.e6? (2.Qxf5+ Kxc4 3.d3+ Bxd3#), 1...Kxc4! x
1.Sf3? (2.Se1+ Ke4 3.d3+ Bxd3#)
1...Sxf3 z 2.Rb3+ Ke4 3.d3+ Bxd3#, 1...Ke4! y
1.Se6!! (2.Qxf5+ C Kxc4 3.Qe4+ Bxe4#)
1...Kxc4 x 2.Sf4+Kc5 3.Sd3+Bxd3#
1...Ke4 y 2.Sc5+Kf3 3.Qxf5+Bxf5#
1...Sf3 z 2.Sf4+ Ke4 3.d3+ Bxd3#
[1.Qf6?/Qg6? (2.Qd6+ Kxc4 3.d3+ Bxd3#)
1...Kxc4 x 2.Qxc6+ Kd3 3.Qc2+ Bxc2#, 1...Sf3! z
1.c5? A (zz)
1...f4 2.Qxf4 (zz) Sf3/Sh3 3.Sxf3/Sxh3 (zz) Bc2#
1...Sf3 z 2.Rd7+ Sd4 3.f4 B (zz) Bc2#, 1...Sh3!
1.f4? B (zz)
1...c5 2.Qxf5+ CKxc4 3.Qe4+ Bxe4#
1...Sf3 z 2.Rd7+ Sd4 3.c5 A (zz) Bc2#, 1...Sh3!]
![]() Special prize – n.389.1 Alexandr Sygurov & Evgeny Fomichev
My favorite Allumwandlung with interesting try, but heavy construction.
1.Rxb7?, 1…h1B!
1.c4?, 1…h1S!
1.Bf2?, 1…h1R!
1.Rd5?, 1…h1B 2.Rd4+ Be4 3.Sc6 ~4.Sg6+ hxg6#
1…h1S 2.Qd2+ Ke4 3.Rd4+ Ke5 4.Bg3+ Sxg3#, 1…h1Q!
1.Rc7! (zz)
1…h1R 2.Bd2+ Kg3 3.Rh3+ Kxh3 4.Qg2+ Kxg2#
1…h1Q 2.Sd5+ Qxd5 3.Rf7+ Qf5 4.Sg6+ hxg6#
1…h1S 2.Qf3+ Ke5 3.Qf5+ Kd6 4.Bg3+ Sxg3#
1…h1B 2.Rc4+ Be4 3.Sc6 ~ 4.Sg6+ hxg6#
1st HM – n.380 Miodrag Mladenovic
Good key. Black batteries mates with unpins of the Knights.
1.e8B! (2.Bxe5+ Qxe5+ 3.Qxe5+ Kxc4 4.Bf7+ Sd5#)
1...Rxe8 2.Rxe3+ Bxe3+ 3.Qxe3+ Kxc4 4.Qd3+ Sxd3#
1...Qxb6/d6 2.Sxe3+ Qxc5 3.Rb3+ Kd4 4.Bxe5+ Qxe5#
1...Bxe1 2.Rxe3+ Kc2 3.Sa3+ Kd2 4.Qd4+ Sd3#
2nd HM – n.400 Steven Dowd
Black minimal. Two variations with different mates.
1...Bxb5 2.Rg1+ Bf1 3.Sc4 Kd1 4.Se2 Ke1 5.Qd2+ Kf2 6.Rg2+ Bxg2# 1...Bxb3! 1.Sg5?
1...Bxb5 2.Rg1+ Bf1 3.Sc4 Kd1 4.Qb1+ Ke2 5.Re3+ Kxf2 6.Rg2+ Bxg2# 1…Bxb3! 1.Qc2?
1…Bxb3 2.Qc1+ Bd1 3.Sc2+ Kf1 4 Re2! Kxe2 5.Qe3+ Kf1 6.Qf3+ Bxf3# 1…Bxb5! 1.Qb2!
1…Bxb3 2.Qc1+ Bd1 3.Sc2+ Kf1 4.Re2 Kxe2 5.Qe3+ Kf1 6.Qf3+ Bxf3# 1…Bxb5 2.Tg1+ Bf1 3. Sc4 Kd1 4. Sf2+ Ke1 5. Qe5+ Kxf2 6.Rg2+ Bxg2# ![]() 3rd HM – n.375 Miodrag Mladenovic
Excellent key. Nice sacrifices of white pieces, but the repetition of 2.Sxh3 is weakness.
1.Sh1!(2.Sf7+Kf4 3.Rxe4+Bxe4#)
1…e1R/Sfg3 2.Rxh4+Kxh4 3.Sxf3+Rxf3#
1…c6/c52.Sxh3+Kxh3 3.Sxf2+Sxf2#
1…Kf4 2.Sxh3+Ke5 3.Rxe4+Bxe4#
4th HM – n.458 Harald Grubert & Valery Kopyl
Two echo-chameleon model mates.
1…h4 2.Qh7 h5 3.a6 bxa6 4.Bh2 a5/Kg5 5.Sd7+ Kg5/a5 6.Bg4 hxg4#
1…Kg6 2.Kh4 Kf6 3.g3 Kg6 4.Bg2 Kf6 5.Bh3 Kg6 6.Bg5 hxg5#
5th HM – n.480 Eugeniusz Iwanow & Jaroslaw Brzozowicz
Black half-battery with Bishops. Good key. Bad repetition of 2.Qf1+.
1...Qf7 2.Be4 ~ 3.Bd5+ Bxd5#
1.Qg2! (2.Sfe5+ Bxe5 3.Qd5+ Bxd5#)
1...Bxg4 2.Bb3+ axb3 3.Rxd4+ Bxd4# (2.Qf1+? d3 3.Sfe5+ Bxe5+ 4.Rf6?)
1...Bf5 2.Qf1+ d3 3.Sge5+ Bxe5# (2.Sfe5+? Bxe5+ 3.Sf6?)(2.Se3+? dxe3 3.Rd4+ Bxd4+ 4.Qg6?)
1...Bg8(f7) 2.Qf1+ d3 3.Sge5+ Bxe5#(2.Bb3+? axb3 3.Rxd4+ Bxd4 4.Sf6?)
![]() 1st Com – n.407 Gerald Ettl
Problem in Camilo Gamtitzer style. White need to get-out his Knight and after active play of it the black battery is created and play. The problem is dedicated to the memory of the famouse selfmate master Uri Avner.
1.Sd5!(2.Re7+ Bxe7 3.Bd7+ Bxd7#)1...Rc3! 2.Sxf4 (3.Qf8+ Bxf8#)Rb3 3.Sd5 (4.Re7+ Bxe7 5.Bd7+ Bxd7#)Rc3 4.Sxf6+ Rxf6 5.Qf8+ Bxf8#
2nd Com – n.436 Alexey Oganesyan
Active play of the white king with return. I am very happy about the increase of the activity in selfmate genre by this author.
1.Rg5+! Sg3 2.Bb6+ Rd4 3.Qe2! gxh5 4.Kd2 g6(h4) 5.Kc3 h4(g6) 6.Kb4 h3 7.a6! bxa6 8.Ka5 axb5 9.Kb4 bxc4 10.Kc3 cxd3 11.Kd2 dxe2+ 12.Ke1 Kg2#
IGM Andrey Selivanov – International Judge of the FIDE
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Enjoyed very much the included dual avoidance.
In solution both ...Rxd6 and ...Bxd6 allow ...Ke5 with line opening (also typical selfmate primary effect), while avoid the dual thanks to the direct guard.
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