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5th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2014 - AWARD

bwtprize(30.08.2014) This is the Award of the 5th Bulgarian Wine Tourney - WCCC Bern 2014. Threre were 32 entries by 17 authors. To see the Award CLICK HERE. 

Karol Mlynka 70 JT 2014 - AWARD

mlynka(21.08.2014) This is the preliminary award of Karol Mlynka 70 JT 2014. To see it CLICK HERE. 

KoBulChess - Helpmates 2013 Award (Part 1 - H#2)

logo(03.07.2014) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Helpmates (in two moves) 2013. Many thanks to the judge Mario Parrinello for his quick work and detailed award which will be open for claims for 1 month period. The second part of the award for Helpmates in more than 2 moves will be published very soon.

Award of "Azerbaijan Themes in twomovers" TT 2014


(30.06.2014) You can see the award of the thematic tourney for Azerbaijan Themes in twomovers 2014 and also an interesting article about the themes. Just click HERE.

Messigny 2014 - Fairies Award

messigny(27.05.2014) To see the Award of Messigny 2014 Fairy section - click HERE.

“Vladimir Zabunov – 85 MT” 2014 AWARD

zabunovlogopp(22.03.2014) Here is the Award of the Vladimir Zabunov - 85 MT 2014! The tourney was announced in 2013 which was the 85 anniversary year of Zabunov's birthday. I thank all participants and congratulate the awarded composers! Many thanks to the judge IGM Petko Petkov for his Award which is open for claims for next 30 days.

KoBulChess Threemovers 2013 - AWARD

logo(11.03.2014) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Threemovers 2013! Many thanks to the judge Yakov Rossomakho for his quick and excellent job! The Award is open for claims for 30 days period after the publication and will become final after that.

KoBulChess Fairies 2012 AWARD

logo(19.01.2014) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Fairies 2012. It is on english and german languages. Congratulations to the awarded composers and many thanks to the judge Manfred Rittirsch!

The AWARD of Julia’s Fairies Marine TT – 2013

mar0(22.12.2013) The Award of the strong Julia’s Fairies Marine Thematic Tourney 2013 is ready! Here you can see the winners of all three sections with comments of the judge GM Petko Petkov and direct link to the whole award published in the Julia's website.

Awards of Azemmour, Sabra, Vodka and Tzuika tourneys 2013

ba1(30.09.2013) Here are the awards of Azemmour, Vodka and Tzuika tourneys - WCCC Batumi 2013.

4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney 2013 - AWARD

winetourney(29.09.2013) This is the complete award of the 4th Bulgarian Wine Tourney - WCCC Batumi 2013.

WCCC - Batumi 2013 (Part 3) The Winners of Composing Tourneys

win(28.09.2013) Here are the winners of many Composing tourneys during the WCCC in Batumi 2013. Enjoy!

Seetharaman - 64, Superguards Tourney 2013 Award

seetharaman(02.06.2013) Here is the Award of Seetharaman-64, Superguards Tourney 2013. 

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