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KoBulChess Helpmates 2014 Award
logo(23.02.2016) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Helpmates 2014. The editors thank Abdelaziz Onkoud for his excellent work! The award is open for claims for 1 month period.
Because the award is in French and some letters can not be used correct on the website, here are presented only the winners (top 3 problems) of both sections H#2 and H#n. To see the full award with all awarded problems please click HERE.
KoBulChess Helpmates 2014 Award
Section H#2 (top 3 problems)
Zivko Janevski & Nikola Predrag: 1 Prix
Un vrai regal pour le theoricien et le solutionniste. Les deux auteurs ne se contentent pas de realiser le theme Abdurahamanovic. Ils ajoutent une solution qui se marie avec une autre sans deteriorer l'idee. Realisant au passage le theme Umnov. 
1.e5 Rd5+ (Rc4+?) 2.Kb4 Bc5#, 1.Rb2 Rc4+ (Rd5+?) 2.Kd5 Rc5#
1.Bc3 Sa7 2.Bb4 Rd3#, 1.Qg2 Kh7 2.Qd5 Rc4#, 1.Rb4 Sc3 2.Bc6 Rd5#
"5 x unpins of wR and two systems of thematically connected solutions,mates by both battery pieces on the bK’s initial square 3 x different battery mates by the same white battery.
Abdurahmanovic theme (unpin of wRd4 on four different ways: direct + indirect unpin by the Black initiative and direct + indirect self-unpin by the White initiative) connected both systems! (Authors)"
Vitaly Medintsev & Nikola Predrag: 2 Prix
Les SS demi-cloues forment des batteries noires. D'ou les coups introductifs realises par le K sous peine d’echecs au K en cas du jeu du SS en premier. Apres les fermetures de la ligne de la Q. Les mats de type Boros  du couple Rg3/Bb5 sont administres sur la meme case d3. Un probleme aristocratique. L'ensemble est en echo diagonal orthogonal.
1.Kf5 Rg6 2.Sg2 Bd3# (2.Sc~+? Bd3??), 1.Kd6 Bd7 2.Se4 Rd3# (2.Sf~+? Rd3??)
"A clear interaction between white and black thematic pieces in a mechanism of two masked indirect batteries, check avoidance on B1, BiValve and dual avoidance on B2, pin-mates by different white pieces on the same square. (Authors)"
Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Zivko Janevski: 3 Prix
La lourdeur de la position est amplement justifiee par l'idee et la difficulte de la  mise en place.
Le couple Qd6/Bd8 par ses auto-clouages preventifs sur la meme case e7 permet au K d'acceder e la colonne e s'exposant aux feux des batteries Qg5/Bf5 et Qg5/Sf4.  Les coups matants (Be6?/Se6?) ne marchent pas. Car le couple Qd6/Bd8 est decloue. Un air de type Chiffmann.
1.Be7 Ra4 2.Ke5 Be4#  (2...Be6?), 1.Qe7 Ra2 2.Ke3 Se2# (2...Se6?)
"Double black anticipatory self-pin on e7 with paradoxical battery pin-mates by pinned rear battery piece and passive dual avoidance in mate on the same square. (Authors)"
Section H#n (top 3 problems)
Araz Almammadov: 1/ 2 Prix 
Dans un premier role, le couple Qg5/Sc2 annihile respectivement le couple Pd2/Pb4 ( garde/capture)  et effectue des auto-blocages en d3. Dans un second role, le couple Qg5/Sc2 opere des auto-blocages. Quant au Pg7, une fois, il ouvre la ligne f8-h6 tout en evitant de lui fermer la ligne h6-e3. Un autre fois, il ouvre la ligne h6-f8 tout en fermant la ligne de la Rh5. Une idee bien faite et qui a necessite  du materiel.
a) 1.Qxd2! (Sxb4?) Bc1 2.Qd3 Bxh6 3.g5 Bg7 4.Se3 Bxf6#
b) 1.Sxb4! (Qxd2?) Ba3 2.Sd3 Bf8 3.g6 Bxh6 4.Qe5 Be3#
Viktoras Paliulionis: 1/ 2 Prix 
En Examinant la position, le materiel sur l'chiquier est insuffisant. Seule une promotion en S favorisera un tableau de mat. Les deux RR genent le passage du K. Le ballet commence! Un degagement lointain de la Rc6 et necessaire. Mais le B tout seul ne pourra pas garantir le passage du K sur l'autre partie de l'echiquier. Le S fraichement promu aura un role determinant. Et cela se termine pas un mat sur la case initiale du K.
1.Rc1! Bb7 2.d5 Ka7 3.d4 Kb6 4.d3 Be4! 5.d2 Bc2 6.d1S Kc5 7.Sc3 Bb3+ 
8.Sd5+ Kd4 9.Ke8 Ke5 10.Se7 Kf6 11.Rc8 Kg7 12.Rcd8 Bf7#
Zlatko Mihajloski:  1 Mention d'Honneur
En reponse  au circuit obligatoire du Be1, car le K ira en g3 apres le demantelement de quelques obstacles. Cette mission de ratissage  est  confiee a  la Re4 qui annihile le Pg3 et revient se sacrifier sur la case e3. Mat ideal. Une idee joliment realisee malgre la fonction desagreable du Pc3.
1.Re3! Bf2 2.Rxg3 Bd4+! 3.Kf4 Bxc3 4.Re3! dxe3+ 5.Kg3 Be1#
"wB Rundlauf, bR switchback, Ideal mate (Author)"
To see the full Award of both sections click HERE.


+1 #1 Seetharaman Kalyan 2016-02-23 11:05
Thanks to the judge Abdelaziz Onkoud for the massive task. We published more than 80 originals in 2014. Happy to see that the judge found a good number of originals fit for award. Composers are still producing excellent short helpmates (H#2) despite the danger of anticipation.
+1 #2 Nikola Predrag 2016-02-23 13:58
Yes, thanks to the judge for such a massive task.

I must comment the example A, h#2-Appendix.
Abdelaziz had proposed it (to Zivko and me) more than a year ago. The example is not good and, after a few days, I have answered with an improvement. Since I didn't receive any further answer by Abdelaziz, I forgot about it.

That improved version is interesting and I've sent it to Diyan now. Pity that it was not sent for publication a year ago.
-1 #3 Vitaly Medintsev 2016-02-25 19:05
Please, do the small change in No 426 (5th Prize) - replace WPd7 with BPc6 [3b2bB/4p3/1Qp1B3/K1Pr4/p3P3/pP3Rr1/kP1nR1q1/8]
0 #4 Rauf Aliovsadzade 2016-02-25 19:36
Bonjour Abdelaziz,
Votre jugement est excellent;
le bon choix de meilleures problemes!
0 #5 Diyan Kostadinov 2016-02-26 00:00
Vitaly, how you suggest this change to be done? To publish it as a new version 2016 or just to publish it as an Appendix?

Nikola, same question to you - I received your email, but how you prefere the publication - a new version 2016 or just to publish it here as an appendix to the award?
0 #6 Nikola Predrag 2016-02-26 02:12
Abdelaziz had suggested the version A in Appendix (in which wRb2 has a "dummy" function in one phase). But the idea of reciprocal tries is interesting.
The version I sent you contains such tries and is more economical even than the awarded problem.
I believe that it should be shown to the public.

Since Abdelaziz didn't answer (or didn't get my mail) last year, he may answer now and accept it for the Appendix instead of his example.

It could also be published as an improvement if you accept it, and if Zivko would agree, of course. Zivko doesn't know about it, so at this moment, it's just my opinion.
I'll write to Zivko, but probably in a couple of days (I'm short with time now).
I'm sorry for troubling you with this.
-1 #7 Vitaly Medintsev 2016-02-26 05:45
Diyan, I wish to publish it in the final award as 426(v)
Appendix is also fits :)
0 #8 Diyan Kostadinov 2016-02-29 02:13
Vitaly, I can not publish the version in the award, because the judge didn't score it. I can publish it as an Appendix into the article about the Award here if you want it to be stick close to the original and you need it to be formal published as a version of the 2015 problem, or I can publish it as a separate version with label 2016.

By the way - this month I received request for publication of versions of old compositions from 5 composers which didn't inform me about them in time last year, because of different reasons and now they want to publish them directly in the award... I am not sure is it allowed and how to deal with it.

I myself have the same case with one my problem which was published on 30.12.2015 in JuliasFairies and few days after that I realized that the other version was better choice, but still don't know how to deal with this case - the version can be accepted for the tourney 2015 or should be for 2016 and the original should be withdraw...
0 #9 Vitaly Medintsev 2016-02-29 04:47
Diyan, I believe the publication of a version in the final award is a common practice that is well suited for websites.
Webmaster (editor) can do it quicky. So, everyone is happy :-)

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 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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