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New fairy condition - PEPO by Petko Petkov
petko.petkov.2(16.05.2019) Another great fairy invention by Petko Petkov! Here you can see his new fairy condition - PEPO with explanations and originals.
Problem 987: Anatoly Stepochkin - Fairy (KoKo, Nightrider)
anatoly.stepochkin(05.05.2019) Fairy original miniature by Anatoly Stepochkin with the favourite for the author KoKo chess.
Problem 986: Petko Petkov - Fairy (Leo, neutrals)
petko.petkov.2(03.05.2019) New fairy original with very rich thematic content by Petko Petkov. He dedicated it to the 70th anniversary of the famous Feenschach magazine! He was the first bulgarian composer published there 60 years ago!
Problem 985: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate
zivko.janevski(02.05.2019) Very nice Helpmate in light construction by the Macedonian maestro Zivko Janevski. 
KoBulChess IT 2019 Judges
logo(02.05.2019) Here are the judges of KoBulChess Informal Tourneys 2019 (Twomovers, Threemovers, Helpmates, Selfmates, Fairies) and information how to send your originals.
Problem 984: Alexander Shpakovsky - Twomover
alexander.shpakovsky(22.04.2019) A welcome twomover from Russia with an interesting try.  Hope to receive more!
Problem 983: Kenan Velikhanov - Helpmate
kenan.velikhanov.new.docx(19.04.2019) A nice HOTF helpmate from the Azerbaijan expert with good dual avoidance.
Problem 982: Mikhail Gershinsky & Аleksandr Pankratiev - Helpmate
michael.gershinskialeksandr.pankratiev(18.04.2019) A nice helpmate meredith from the Ukraine, Russian partnership. Can the theme be called undoubling!?
Problem 981: Miroslav Svitek - Twomover
miroslav svitek(16.04.2019) Twomover with non-standart and original cyclic idea by Miroslav Svitek. Is that a new theme? An can somebody make it with a closed cycle?
Sad news: IM Krassimir Gandev passed away today
krassimir.gandev(12.04.2019) I am sad to inform that the great bulgarian chess composer IM Krassimir Gandev passed away today... He was with bad health for several years and today he lost the fight. Krassimir Gandev was fantastic composer and also good solver in the past. Here you can see more about him and some of his best compositions.
Problems 978-980: Petko Petkov - Fairy (Anda, Anda Inverse)
petko.petkov.2(10.04.2019) Three wonderful originals by Petko Petkov with the NEW fairy conditions ANDA and ANDA INVERSE which he invented this year. Enjoy the first published originals with these fairy conditions with Petkov's comments and explanations!
Belgrade Internet Tourney, 2019
belgrade2019(25.03.2019) The Serbian Problem Chess Society invites composers around the world to take part in the Belgrade Internet Tourneys 2019.  There are three very interesting themes. 
KoBulChess Twomovers 2017-2018 AWARD
logo(22.03.2019) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Twomovers 2017-2018. Many thanks to the judge C.G.S.Narayanan! The award is open for claims for 1 month period.
Problem 977: Mario Parrinello - Fairy (KoBul Kings, Locust, Royal Piece)
mario(22.03.2019) Fantastic fairy problem by the Italian maestro Mario Parrinello! Corner-to-corner play, KoBul Kings transformations and nice fairy echo model mates - an excellent miniature!
Problem 976: Vladimir Pankov - Helpmate
(12.02.2019) When a senior composer feels that different black play after AUW compensate for the white move repetitions (in this helpmate), perhaps he is right...
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