(24.12.2018) An excellent original from Zoran Gavrilovski with a combination of Dombrovskis paradox, Barnes theme and Le grand theme!
(24.12.2018) In next few days will be published many originals. If you not see your problem published till 27.12.2018, please contact the editor via email as soon as possible and your original will be published very quickly!
Deadline for receiving originals for publication in 2018 is 29.12.2018!
We wish you Happy Holidays and very successful new 2019 year!
(24.12.2018) Nice Ruklis twomover (with an excellent key) from Wirajaya from the land of the famed Touw Hian Bwee. Can it escape anticipation?
(24.12.2018) An unusual helpmate in old style with two setplays and a single solution. White Grimshaw and battery mates.
(24.12.2018) A simple threemover with a nice try and beautiful key by the Israeli expert.
 (24.12.2018) Complex line play in this international coordination across the Atlantic Ocean!
(24.12.2018) A nice helpmate from the Azerbaijan expert showing transformation of batteries (two indirect ones in the diagram).
(20.12.2018) Active white sacrifices in this helpmate from Ukraine showing a nice doubling of the Kniest theme!
(20.12.2018) Another interesting HOTF from the author of 598 showing four different mates from the bishop added to the black king star! Are the repeated selfblocks a weakness or do they show changed mate after selfblocks?
(20.12.2018) The Russian grandmaster shows an excellent White correction and threat correction play in his nice twomover.
(20.12.2018) Another remarkable cyclic Zilahi from the Macedonian grandmaster, with excellent white economy!
(19.12.2018) The problems are canceled because was published again by mistake and they doubled already published originals by the author. We apologise.
(19.12.2018) A simple twomover from Abdullayev. Hope this will encourage him to try more complex themes!
(14.12.2018) Here is the Award of KoBulChess Selfmates 2016. Many thanks to the judge Ivan Soroka. The award is open for claims for 1 month period.
(14.12.2018) Welcome to Dr. Phanibhushan from India, who is obviously talented. While the unpins are wellknown, his doubling of the Bristol (935) in both solutions is a delight !