(02.05.2019) Here are the judges of KoBulChess Informal Tourneys 2019 (Twomovers, Threemovers, Helpmates, Selfmates, Fairies) and information how to send your originals.
KoBulChess IT 2019
Twomovers (#2): Eugene Rosner (USA)
Threemovers (#3): C.G.S. Narayanan (India)
Helpmates (H#2, H#n): Francesco Simoni (Italy)
Selfmates (S#): Ivan Soroka (Ukraine)
Fairies: Diyan Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
Send your originals to the editors on the following emails:
#2, #3, H#2, H#n - editor: Seetharaman Kalyan, email:
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S#, Fairies - editor: Diyan Kostadinov, email:
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Please indicate "KoBulChess Original" on the Subject line of the email.
We answer all received emails usially in 1-3 days. If (in some reason) you not receive an answer within a week, please contact us again.
Usually we publish received originals in 1-3 weeks but sometime is possible a delay (we are humans after all). Don't worry, we always publish all received and apprived originals till end of the year.
Your originals, comments, articles and ideas are always welcome!
You can comment each published original, article, award, news etc. and this is always helpful and interestion to other composers, judges and visitors, so we really thank everyone who share his opinion in comments (under the publications).
To avoid spam, the comments are published on the website after an approval by the admin (usually in 1-2 days). You comments can be published authomatically and immediately (without approval) if you register an account (using the form on the right side of the page).