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Problem 896: Anatoly Vasilenko - Twomover

anatoly.vasylenko(26.06.2018) A nice twomover by Anatoly Vasilenko from Ukraine! Lot of battery play.

Problem 895: S.K.Balasubramanian & Kalyan Seetharaman - Fairy (Masand chess)
balasubramanianseetharaman.kalyan(25.05.2018) A sweet fairy problem by our co-editor Seetharaman and his compatriot Balasubramanian, which is very good example of the Masand Chess.
Problem 894: Yasin Shale - Helpmate
yasin.shale(14.05.2018) Nice helpmate by the turkish author. Welcome to Yasin Shale!
Problem 893: Francesco Simoni - Helpmate
francesco.simoni(08.05.2018) An excellent helpmate from the Italian maestro showing comples unpins and line openings. Dont miss the nice tries.
KoBulChess Helpmates in 2 moves 2017 AWARD
logo(23.10.2018) Here is the final award of KoBulChess Helpmates in 2 moves 2017. There are included the judge's changes from the preliminary award after the received information about the 1st prize winner problem anticipation.
Many thanks to Karol for his excellent job!
Problem 892: Daniele Gatti - Selfmate
daniele.gatti(18.04.2018) Selfmate moremover Meredith. Welcome to Daniele Gatti from Italy! 
Problem 891: Petko Petkov - Fairy (Neutral Double Grasshopper)
petko.petkov(06.04.2018) Really fantastic fairy problem by Petko Petkov! Rich thematic complex and full analogy between all 4 solutions.
Задача 890: Valery Shanshin - Twomover
valery.shansin(29.03.2018) An excellent original from the Russian master Valery Shanshin. In the style of the golden era, he has given it a name (or motto?)
Problem 889: C.G.S.Narayanan - Threemover
narayanan(26.03.2018) An excellent reciprocal change from our Twomover judge. White king nicely used to effect the changes!
Problem 888: Gennady Koziura - Selfmate
gennadi.koziura(13.03.2018) Another selfmate by Gennady Koziura in typical author's style.
KoBulChess IT 2018 Judges

logo(09.03.2018) Here are the judges of KoBulChess Informal tourneys 2018. Your originals and comments to the published problems are always welcome!

Problem 887. Petko Petkov - Fairy (Disparate, Kangaroo-Lion, Nightrider, Zebra, neutral pieces)
petko.petkov(25.02.2018) The first fairy original for 2018 is here. New problem with rich thematic content and detail explanations by the top bulgarian composer Petko Petkov.
Problem 886: Kenan Velikhanov - Threemover
kenan.velikhanov.new.docx(24.02.2018) Today is the Birthday of Aleksandr Melnichuk, so Kenan Velikhanov dedicated this threemover miniature to him.
KoBulChess Twomovers 2016 Award
logo(21.02.2018) Here is the the award of KoBulChess Twomovers 2016. Many thanks to the judge Eugene Rosner! The award is open for claims for 1 month period.
Problem 885: Fadil Abdurahmanovich & Zivko Janevski - Helpmate
fadil.abdurahmanoviczivko.janevski(20.02.2018) With some delay but we start our originals section 2018 with this excellent join helpmate by the great masters Janevski and Abdurahmanovich. Your 2018 originals and comments are welcome! We will announce the judges of all sections very soon.
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