Български (България)English (United Kingdom)
Problem 893: Francesco Simoni - Helpmate
francesco.simoni(08.05.2018) An excellent helpmate from the Italian maestro showing comples unpins and line openings. Dont miss the nice tries.
893. Francesco Simoni (Italy)
H#3         b) Rd7-h3       (4+12)
1.Sc3 (Rg7? Sd4?) Se7 2.Kd6 Ba7 3.Kc7 Se8#
1.Rg7 (Sc3? Sd4?) Bg1 2.Kf4 Se3 3.Kg3 Sxh5#
Anticipatory unpins with reciprocal tries Rg7?/Sc3? which fail due to black line openings.  Model mates.
Note also the try 1.Sd4? which fails in (a) due to white line closing and in (b) due to black line opening!

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