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Problem 895: S.K.Balasubramanian & Kalyan Seetharaman - Fairy (Masand chess)
balasubramanianseetharaman.kalyan(25.05.2018) A sweet fairy problem by our co-editor Seetharaman and his compatriot Balasubramanian, which is very good example of the Masand Chess.
           1.Re5 Qc2 (Qd7?) 2.Rh5+ Qh7[h5=b] [c7=b]#
(1....Qd7? 2.Rh5+ Qe8+! and 3.Kg7! not mate)
1.Be5 Qa7 (Qd7?) 2.Bf6+ Qg7[f6=b]#
(1....Qd7? 2.Bf6+ Qd8+! and 3.Kh7! not mate)
Dual avoidance on B1. Miniature. (Authors)
Masand: Whenever a piece gives a check to its opponent king, all the pieces (except the kings)occupying the squares which are attacked/controlled by the checking unit change their colours irrespective of whether those pieces are white or black.


+1 #1 Seetharaman Kalyan 2018-06-03 09:37
Mr.Francesco Simoni rightly points out the weakness in our problem. In the first solution the effect of 2...Qh7+ (c7=black) is unused. We realised it but could not place the white bishop elsewhere due to cooks. But perhaps a better setting is possible.
+1 #2 Nikola Predrag 2018-06-03 12:42
In the first mate, the color of Bc7 is absolutely irrelevant, just as the color of Re3 in the other mate.
(downgrading the value upon the irrelevant features is the basis of discrimination :sigh: )

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