KoBulChess Helpmates in 2 moves 2017 AWARD |
![]() Many thanks to Karol for his excellent job!
In the section helpmates twomovers of KoBulChess Informal Tourney for 2017 on the website http://kobulchess.com/ participated 18 entries (plus several versions also from other authors in comments): 810, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 831, 833, 834, 835, 839, 840, 841, 859, 860, 864, 866, 870(22 composers from 12 countries). The general level of the competition was very good. All problems were computer tested (C+). The 1st Prize from S. K. Balasubramanian & S. Manikumar in the preliminary award is anticipated by Abdelaziz Onkoud, 2nd HM 3° FRME C 30.9.2017 – preliminary award 3.10.2017 (See CE1!) – with an interesting discussion in matplus forum: matplus.net/.../ It is obviously not very important to separate the H#2 section from the helpmates whereas the frequency of problems publishing in KoBulchess has slowed down significantly in recent years. I would like to express my thanks to the website’s editor Seetharaman Kalyan for inviting me to judge this helpmate tourney, which was a pleasant job to do. ![]() 1.Bxc7+ Kxc7(Kc5?) 2.Bb5 Rd2#
1.Bxd7 Kxd7(Kd5?) 2.Ba5 Qh2#
An excellent sacrifice Zilahi with gate-opening and a choice of white king's moves by line-opening. Reciprocal functions of the black half-battery front pieces: each bishop either captures the white unit or plays a hideaway move.
![]() 1.Re7 d4 B 2.Re4 Sc7# C (Be8 = A)
1.Re6 Bb5 B 2.Be4 dxc4# C (Sa6 = A)
1.Rc6 Sb8 B 2.Rc5 Bxf7# C (Pd3 = A)
Cyclic changed functions of white pieces Be8, Pd3 and Sa6:
A = passive flight control,
B = active flight control,
C = mating unit.
In this way, the composer has reached a closed3-point 3-part cycle (ABC-CAB-BCA).
All phases with self-blocks in the new Meredith version. A totally unconventional modus operandi for author's creation in this genre.
See the initial position: +bBh8, wPe3-c3 (Devil's Meredith) and 810.2 Kobulchess.com 11.02.2017
Compare to CE2!
![]() 1.Sa8 Rc3+ 2.Kd4 Rd7#
1.Se7 Bc3 2.Kc4 Qa6#
Creation of a white battery on the same square (white Grimshaw) with self-pin by black knights hideaways and pin-mates after anti-cipatory opening of two masked lines. Diagonal/orthogonal cor-respondence.
18 responses on:
1.d3 Sf6+ 2.Be4 Qc1#
1.Qd7 Sb5 2.Sf5 Sed6#
A well done blend of Goethart & Gamage interference unpins.
![]() 1-2.Qxe4 a Sge6+? A 3.Qxe6,
1-2.Qe5 b Bxc5+? B 3.Qxc5,
1-2.Qc3 c dxe3+? C 3.Qxe3;
1.Qe8 Sf7! (controlling e5) 2.Qxe4 a Bxc5# B
1.cxb4 Bxb4! (controlling c3) 2.Qe5 b dxe3# C
1.Qxb4 d3! (controlling e4) 2.Qc3 c Sge6# A
Cyclic flight control and self-block by cyclic dual avoidance. All 8 white pawns can be seen in a helpmate only rarely. It should be emphasized that the author is a successful originator.
Compare to CE2!
![]() a) 1.Bd4 e5 2.Bc6 Bd6#
b) 1.Rd4 Bd3 2.Rc6 Rb5#
An ingeniously constructed Meredith with double black Grimshaw by self-blocks and critical B1 moves. However, their basic motivation has a different content in the same form: 1.Rd4 shows a help effect of anticipatory interference unpin of white unit (without unguard) while 1.Bd4 only interfered for the unguard of the mating square (without unpin).
![]() 1.c1=S Qxa4 2.Sa2 Qd7#
1.c1=R Qxb4 2.Rc3 Qe7#
1.c1=B Qxd5 2.Bg5 Qd7#
Very harmonious processing of unified strategic content. Complex blend of 3-fold change of black underpromotions (B1), direct self-pins (W1)and interference unpins by a promoted unit (B2) – but in rather heavy position and unfortunately with one repeated mate. The aesthetic and economic criteria had to retreat from the main idea of the composition.
![]() ![]() Bratislava, June 2018 Karol Mlynka, International Judge of the FIDE
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site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Pls correct the name of S.K.Balasubramanian , above the diagram !
He pointed out the following predecessor to the 1st Prize:
Also, Abdelaziz wrote the problem was composed 28 August 2017.
Judge report by Vasil Kryzhanivski dated 03/10/2017.
I am sure that the judge will take a decision about it.
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