Problem 413: Elmar Abdullayev - Twomover |
1.Qh8! (2.Rg5#) 1...Kf5 2.Rg5#, 1...Rg6+ 2.Rxg6#, 1...Rxg7 2.Qxg7# Bulgarian theme Bulgarian theme: in the initial position white do not have prepared mate on the black check. After the key white created a battery and preparing mate on black check. Blacks neutralized the white battery but there is pin mate. (Author) Болгарская тема: В начальной позиции у белых нет ответов на шахи белому королю. После первого хода образуется белая батарея на ответ шаху чeрных есть мат со связкой. После первого вступительного хода белых чeрные разрушают батарею но при этом они попадают под связку. (Автор) |
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Only one part of the definition of Bulgarian theme is presented and that part achieves the effect opposite to the theme.
"Unprovided check" to wK is a big flaw because obviously the key move must care about that check. One possible way(care) is creation of a direct white battery.
This still does not compensate for a big flaw.
There is some element which is a big or unacceptable flaw. That element will be intentionally made thematic but with respect to a special strict artistic principle.
(Fleck is probably the best known among such themes)
At least 2 unprovided checks and at least one thematic try and thematic solution are necessary for Bulgarian theme.
(For creation of an artistic content where a particular flaw is the main constructive element.)
Without a thematic try, only 1 unprovided check is just a big flaw, nothing more.
Resources combined for finally to define the Bulgarian Theme
a) key making w.battery +
b) Crosschecks in play +
c) Selfpin & Pinmate [to see 1. ... Kf5 2. Rg5# ]
I request more points as elements that define it !!
Carlos Grassano from Argentina
Georgy Popov, 1.Pr Themes-64 1959
White Qf8 Sc6 Kd6 Se6 Rf3 Bh3 Pe2 Pf2
Black Pd7 Bh7 Pg6 Bh6 Pg5 Sa4 Pc4 Ke4 Qc1 Rf1
1.Bg2?, 1.Qa8?, 1Qe8!
White thematic tries must not be refuted by a check.
I think that Nikola cited "Fleck" theme as an example of a formal defect being elevated to the status of a "Theme". Multiple threats in a twomover are generally considered defects. But Fleck theme treats it thematically and even makes it interesting. I think, he did not intend to link "unprovided checks" and "Fleck theme".
There's even greater defect elevated to the status of a theme. Not only the multiple threats but the multiple mates. The name is something about "separation", I don't remember exactly.
I would dogmatically reject such problems but in some problems, the beuaty, the composing skill and creativity can not be denied.
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