Problem 389: Aleksandr Sygurov - Selfmate |
(06.05.2014) Selfmate with black AUW and some thematic tries. Welcome to Aleksandr Sygurov from Russia! 1.c8S? (zz) 1…h1B 2.Qd3 Ke5 3.Qe3+ Be4 4.Sg6+ hxg6# 1…h1S! 1.c8R?, 1…h1B! 1.c8Q! (zz) 1…h1R 2.Bd2+ Kg3 3.Rh3+ Kxh3 4.Qg2+ Kxg2# 1…h1Q 2.Sd5+ Qxd5 3.Rf8+ Qf5 4.Sg6+ hxg6# 1…h1B 2.Qc5 ~ 3.Qd4+ Be4 4.Sg6+ hxg6# 1…h1S 2.Qf3+ Ke5 3.Bc3+ Kd6 4.Qg3+ Sxg3# 1.Sd7? 1…h1Q! |
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