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Problem 387: Zoran Gavrilovski - Helpmate

gavrilovski(02.05.2014) Task of four different types unpins of the same white piece - Abdurahmanovic 1 theme. Welcome contribution from the Macedonian International Master! (Seetharaman) Four different mates from the white Bishop after unpins and bK Star (Kostadinov).






1.Kg4 Kf2 2. Bf5 Bxf3#

1.Bh5 Be5 2. Kg6 Bd3#

1.Rf6 Ba6  2. Ke6 Bc8#

1.Ke4 Bd1 2.Bd4 Bc2#


Abdurahmanovic 1 theme (unpin of a white piece in 4 different ways: direct self-unpin by a WK move, indirect self-unpin, direct unpin by a black pinning piece’s move and indirect unpin) with BK star-flights, four self-blocks and four mates by the unpinned white bishop. Square vacation in two solutions and model mates in three solutions. (Author)



+1 #1 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-05-04 00:01
Very clear realization of Abdurahmanovic 1 with four selfblocks, bK Star and different mates by the unpinned piece.
The readers can find an interesting article about different types Abdurahmanovic theme in the first issue of The Macedonian Problemist for 2014.
+1 #2 Miodrag Mladenovic 2014-05-04 10:53
Excellent problem. Great combination of Abdurahmanovic 1 theme with bK star.

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