Problem 339: Janos Csak - Selfmate |
(12.02.2014) Selfmate with progressive twins, progressive number of moves and three mates after unpins by Janos Csak. a) 1.h4 exd5 2.Qe3 dxe3 3.Rxd5+ Kxf4 4.Rg4+ Bxg4# b) 1.Rh5 exd5 2.Rxd5+ Kxf4 3.g3+ Sxg3 4.Bh6+ Rxh6 5.Rdxf5+ Sxf5# c) 1.Sc3 dxc3 2.dxe4 c2 3.Rxf5+ exf5 4.exf5+ Kxf5 5.g4+ Kxf4 6.Bh6+ Rxh6# |
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