Problem 312: Miodrag Mladenovic - Selfmate |
(10.01.2014) Selfmate with reciprocal changes of white continuations by Miodrag Mladenovic. 1...Rxd6 x 2.Bxe6+ A Re6 3.Qxd4+ Rxd4# 1...Bxd6 y 2.Sf4+ B Bxf4 3.Qxd4+ Rxd4# 1.Qg6? (2.Sxe3+ dxe3 3.Qe4+ Rxe4#), 1…h1B! 1.Qh7! (2.Sxe3+ dxe3 3.Qe4+ Rxe4#) 1...Rxd6 x 2.Sf4+ B Ke5 3.Qe4+ Qxe4# 1...Bxd6 y 2.Bxe6+ A Ke5 3.Qe4+ Qxe4# 1...h1B 2.Sxe3+ dxe3 3.Qxh1+ Re4# Reciprocal changes (Author) |
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