Problem 305.1: Vitaly Medintsev & Nikola Predrag - Helpmate |
(04.01.2014) Wonderful helpmate with ODT, exchange of functions between two complex masked batteries and Boros by Vitaly Medintsev from Russia! After the publication of the problem it was improved and the author replace it with the version 305.1. It is join composition with Nikola Predrag.
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Checkmate in the second solution is immodel not because of wPe5 but because of double guarding d4 by both white rooks, too.
Since we have a model mate in the first solution one can say about imperfection of final positions but - tactically - there is a complete harmony.
A) wRg5 is defended by wBd2
B) wBd6 is def. by wRd2 & wPe5
Perfect harmony would be with
B) wBd6 is def. by wRd2.
White Pd6 BPe5 Pg5 Ra4 Bb4 Rg2 Bh1 (7)
Black Pc6 Sc4 Ke4 Sf3 (4)
H#2 2 solutions
wBerolina pawn e5
(No wK)
1.Sf3*g5 Rg2*g5 + 2.Ke4-f4 Bb4-d2 #
1.Sc4*d6 Bb4*d6 + 2.Ke4-d5 Rg2-d2 #
But.. your version in comment n.4 is terrible! There is one typical mistake - the fairy pieces should NOT be used just for technical reason! The way using the BPe5 is unacceptable and NoWhiteKing is unneeded. The fairy tools should be used with main idea to create an original mechanisms and ideas which can not be realised in orthodox genres, and should be used in their full potential!
By the way even in this version the mate in the second solution is still not model, because of double protected d4 square (but as I noted, this is the smallest weakness of this bad version).
I accept your opinion!
This was a misunderstanding on my part ...
White Pd6 Pf5 Pg5 Ra4 Bb4 Rg2 Ke8 Bh1 (8)
Black Pc6 Rd4 Ke4 Sf3 (4)
H#2 b) –wPf5
a) 1.Rd4*d6 Bb4*d6 + 2.Ke4-d5 Rg2-d2 #
b) 1.Sf3*g5 Rg2*g5 + 2.Ke4-f4 Bb4-d2 #
White Kf8 Ra5 Bb5 Rg3 Bh2
Black Rc7 Sc5 Ke5 Bh5 Sf4 Ba3 Rf2 Qh1
Stipulation H#2
bK can initially stand on e6 and play actively to the masked battery-lines.
I accept your motivation, of course.
1.Ke5-f5 anticipates self-unpin of Sf4 (departure), while 1.Ke6-f5 anticipates self-pin of Sc5 (arrival).
I did not try much to avoid the cookstopper bBh5, it looks unavoidable.
Also, this mechanism contains the avoidance of dualistic play by wrong bS with hypotheticall double checkmates. I would write the solutions as:
1.Kf5 Rg6 2.Sg2! Bd3# (2.Sc~+? Bd3???)
1.Kd6 Bd7 2.Se4! Rd3# (2.Sf~+? Rd3???)
You decide, I agree
Anyway, the interferences look better than captures, on my taste, and check avoidance on B1 is an additional tactical bonus that determinates the sequence of black moves. I'm not speaking about admirable Aristocratic position with black octet (just one technical unit)!
I would prefer to place the BK on e6 in initial position since it is somewhat paradoxically that he moves away from the WK in both solutions.
Congratulations on your excellent joint problem!
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