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2nd KoBulChess TT - Christmas Tourney 2014

christmastourney(01.12.2014) Here is the announcement of the second thematic tourney of the website KoBulChess which is a Christmas Tourney 2014.






Theme: All type problems (#/=, H#/H=, S#/S=, HS#/HS= etc.) in 2-4 moves (up to 8 moves for Series and P-Series problems) with the fairy condition Circle SneK. Other fairy pieces and conditions are not allowed. Royal pieces can be used of course.


Circle SneK:

When a Queen is captured - a Rook (or Royal Rook) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Queen;

When a Rook is captured – a Bishop (or Royal Bishop) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Rook;

When a Bishop is captured - a Knight (or Royal Knight) of the same color (if exists on the board) becoming Bishop;

When a Knight is captured – a Queen (or Royal Queen) of the same color (if exist on the board) becoming Knight.

Only one piece may change its type after a capture. In case of option – the capturing side choose which piece will be transformed.

The capture and the change of type is a single move. If this full move result a selfcheck - the capture is forbidden. 

The capture of a pawn is normal. The capture is normal also in the case when there is no piece on the board which should be transformed. Castling with Royal piece is not allowed.


Closing date: 20.12.2014

Judge: IM Krassimir Gandev

The award will be published till to the end of 2014 in the website KoBulChess.com

Please send your problems by email to:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


The judge will receive all entries in anonimous diagrams and uniform solutions.







0 #1 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-12-07 15:49
There are two entries for now. Two weeks left till to the deadline, so all composers are invited to try this new fairy condition and to participate in the tourney!
0 #2 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-12-10 22:01
An important notice: the maximum length of the problems type Series and P-Series is 8 moves (the equal of 4 regular full moves in the other genres!
0 #3 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-12-14 14:20
5 entries are received for now (by Pierre Tritten, Manfred Rittirsch, Sebastien Luce, Emmanuel Manolas and one mine). The level of the tourney looks very hight!

The judge will receive all problems in anonymouse form.

One week left till the deadline, so all new entries are welcome!
0 #4 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-12-14 19:49
New entries were received. 9 problems from 6 composers for now.
6 days left till the deadline!
0 #5 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-12-17 15:21
Participants in the tourney till now: Mario Parrinello, Pierre Tritten, Manfred Rittirsch, Sebastien Luce, Emmanuel Manolas, Themis Argirakopoulos, Rainer Kuhn.

Also very good mix of stipulations are used in the entries: H#, HS#, Ser-H#, Pser-H#.

Four days left till the deadline. All new entries are welcome!

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site for chess composition

 General editor:

Diyan Kostadinov


Seetharaman Kalyan

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