Problem 223: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate |
1.Sd3 Bd6+ 2.Ke4 Re5# 1.Sf3 Bxd4+ 2.Kf4 Be5# 1.e6 Be7+ 2.c5 Rxc5# 1.Kd5 Rf4 2.e5 Ba2# A diagonal/orthogonal setting of two pairs of thematically connected solutions and two pairs of white R/B mechanisms. I. pair – black anticipatory self, mates on BK’s initial square and pin-mates. Reciprocal changed functions of two pairs of white pieces: Ra5/Bc5 and Ba1/Rf1. II. pair – black self-block by BPe7 one-two play and reciprocal changed functions of the white mechanisms: white battery (Ra5/Bc5) and white pinning pieces (Ba1/Rf1). (Author) |
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