Originals - July 2012 (Part 2) |
KoBulChess Originals - July 2012 (Part 2) Judges for 2012: #2 - GM Milan Velimirovic IJ, #3 - FM Evgeny Fomichev IJ, S# - GM Petko Petkov IJ, H# - IM Zoran Gavrilovski IJ, Fairies - IM Manfred Rittirsch IJ Editor: Diyan Kostadinov IJ (email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
FAIRIES The definitions of fairy pieces and conditions are on the following link: http://kobulchess.com/en/definitions/fairy-pieces-and-conditions.html
48) a) 1.Se3=B B:h4=R 2.Ba7=R(+wPd8=wB) Rd4=Q 3.Bb6=R(+bKa4)+ Qc5=S(+wKa6)# b) 1.Bf3=R B:h4=R 2.Rf7=Q(+wPh8=wR) Rh6=Q 3.Rg8=Q(+bKg6)+ Kg5(+wKg7)# A great problem with only 3 pieces on the board, many fairy efects and Forsberg twins (Diyan Kostadinov)
49) 1.Sh6=P S:g5=B+ 2.Kd6 B:h6=R+ 3.Se6=P R:e6=Q# 1.Bf6=S S:f6=B+ 2.Kd6 B:d4=R 3.Se7=P R:d5=Q# EinsteinChess fairy play in light position - typically for this author (Diyan Kostadinov)
50) 1.Rc2 -> 1.Kg6 2.Rg5 3.Kf5 Bd3#; 1.Bb5 -> 1.Kg5 2.Bg6 3.Kf5 Rc5# Complete echo diagonal-ortogonal, Exchange of functions between black pieces and between white pieces, Switchback (Author) Closing and open of lines, selfblocks (Diyan Kostadinov)
51) a) 1.Bb3 Rd4 2.Kc4 Be4 3.Qc5(Bc5?) B:d3#, b) 1.Rd7 Bd5 2.Kc6 Re4 3.Bc5(Qc5?) R:f5#
52) 1.Qg2 R:g2(bK=rQ) 2.rQh8 g7#, 1.B:e6+ R:e6(bK=rB) 2.rBa7 b6#, 1.R:c2+ R:c2(bK=rR) 2.rRa4 Rc4#, 1.Kc5 g:h7(bK=rS) 2.a4 Re5#, 1.Kc5 Re5+ 2.Kb6 b8Q# KoBul 5phasic. The bK is mated in each of his 5 possible phases (Author) Another task problem by Emmanuel Manolas with bK 5 phases mates, this time in two moves. You can look also the problem n.10 in KoBulChess TT 2012 Award: http://kobulchess.com/en/tournaments/awards/97-kobulchess-award.html (Diyan Kostadinov)
53) 1.Kf4 LIf3 2.Kg3 Kd2 3.Kg2 Ke3 4.Gf2 Ke2 5.Gh2 LId1 6.Kh1 Kf1# 1.Kd4 Kd1 2.Kc3 Ke2 3.Kb2 Ke3 4.Gf2 LIf1 5.Ga2 Kd2 6.Ka1 Kc1# 1.Kf5 Kd2 2.Gg5 Ke3 3.Kg6 LIh5 4.Kg7 Kf4 5.Gg8 Kg5 6.Kh8 Kh6# Triple echo (Author) Three echo mates on three corners of the board in tanagra position - great! (Diyan Kostadinov)
54) 1.nPb8nS 2.nSd7 3.nPc7 4.nPc8nQ 5.nQc1 6.nQf4 7.nSe5 8.nPd7 9.nPd8nB 10.nBg5 11.nSf3 12.nPe5 13.nPe6 14.nPe7 15.nPe8nR 16.nRe5 17.nRf5 18.nS:g5+ nQ:g5# AUW, miniature … clear and nice example of Alphabetical chess (Diyan Kostadinov)
55) 1. rGe3 rGg2 2.rGc3 Sd4 3.Se1+ rGg7#; 1.Sf2+ rGh7 2.Se4 Sh4 3.Sg5+ S:g5# Problem of ANI type (Diyan Kostadinov) 56) 1.rBSPc2-g6 SPa7-a6 2.rBSPg6:g8=rZ SPa6:f1=R 3.BSPa2:a8=G rBSPd7-h3 4.rZg8-e5+ rBSPh3:h1=rAn+ 5.rZe5-g2+ Rf3 = = Excelsiors, promotions to reciprocal opposite colour pieces, interesting diagonal double pat position (Author) Paradoxical reciprocal opposite colour pieces promotions and four fairy pawns Excelsiors – thank you very much for dedication! (Diyan Kostadinov)
57) 1.Rd7+ Kg3=R 2.Rh7 Rg6#, 1.Sf4+ Kf2=S 2.Sh5 Sg4#; 1.g1Q Kd2 2.Qg5+ K:g5=Q#, 1.Sf6 e:f6 2.Rd7+ Kh3=R# HOTF: switchbacks & sacrifices (Author) Good 2x2 thematic connected solutions with specific fairy play (Diyan Kostadinov)
Your suggestions, comments and new originals are always welcome! |
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
@Diyan: My personal view is that the name UNI - is more appropriate. ie. UNInteresting !!
On the other side - I very like TF problems, where the AntiIdentical elements are doubled and presented in pairs of thematic connected variations (2x2, 2x3, 3x3 etc.) This looks more complete and interesting.
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