Originals - June 2012 (Part 2) |
KoBulChess Originals - June 2012 (Part 2) Judges for 2012: #2 - GM Milan Velimirovic IJ, #3 - FM Evgeny Fomichev IJ, S# - GM Petko Petkov IJ, H# - IM Zoran Gavrilovski IJ, Fairies - IM Manfred Rittirsch IJ Editor: Diyan Kostadinov IJ (email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )
35) 1.Sfe5 Kb5 2.Be6 Rd7# [3.B:d7/S:d7(wK=rR)?? Self check] 1.Rc5 Kb3 2.Sd6 Be4# [3.Q:e4/S:e4(wK=rB)? Self check] Specific KoBul Kings final positions, change of functions, white aristocrat (Diyan Kostadinov).
36) 1…h1R 2.d8B Rh6 3.Bf6+ R:f6(wK=rB)#, 1…h1Q 2.d8S Qh5 3.Sf7+ Q:f7(wK=rS)# AUW, Meredith, white minimal (Authors)
37) a) 1.Kb6 Ga3 2.Ga6 Kc3 3.Kb5 Gd3# (4.K~,Gc4~??) b) 1.Kc6 Ke7 2.Gf8 Kd8 3.Gc8 Kd7# (4.K~??) Tanagra, black selfblocks (Author) Nice mates with paralised bK according Isardam rules (Diyan Kostadinov)
38) a) 1.AGb5(wAGc4) AGg4(wAGf4) 2.Ke7 AGc8(wSd7) 3.Bd6 Sf6 4.Kf8 AG4c7(wLd6)# b) 1.AGf5(wAGf4) AGb4(wAGc4)+ 2. Kc7 AGd6(wSc5) 3.AGf4(wAGf5) AGc8(wSd7) 4. K:c8 AGg4(wAGf4)# Very interesting initial position with black pieces only, which transforms into white during the solutions, Forsberg twins. It is nice example for Section B of the Alaikov – 80 MT 2013 – see announcement on http://kobulchess.com/en/tournaments/announcements/80-venelinalaikov.html (Diyan Kostadinov)
39) 1.BPg6-f7 2.SPe4:h7 3.BSPf3-a8=RH 4.BSPg2-b7 5.Kf3 6.BSPf2-a7 7.RHa8-a6 8.BSPa7-b8=RH 9.RHb8-b6 10.BSPb7-c8=RH 11.RHc8-c6 12.BPc7-d8=RH 13.RHd8-d6
40) Withdrawn 41) 1.d2-d6 f7:a2 2.d:e7 a:b1Q! 3.c:d8S! Q:b2 4.S:b7 Q:b7 5.f2:a7 Qb7-d8 6.a:b8Q! Ra2 7.Qb3 Ba3 8.Q:g8+ Ra2:g8 9.R:a3 g7:g2 10.Rg3 d7:d1S! 11.Sf3 Qd2+ 12.Kf2 Sd1:f1 13.Sf3-e3 S:g3 14.Rd1 g2-e1S! 15.h2:g3 h7-h1B! 16.c2-h7 Qc2 17.Bd2 Sd3 18.Bd2:d3 Bc6 19.Be4 Bc6-c5 20.Be4-g5 Bf8. Ceriani-Frolkin QSss, Phoenix-Pronkin qb. Quickly after publication of problem n.24, I found a cook: 12. …g7:g1R! 13.h2-h3 Rg1-g2 14.Rf3:g2 Sh2 15.R1:h2. Here is the attempt of correction (Author). I really hope that this excellent problem is sound now. (Diyan Kostadinov)
Your suggestions, comments and new originals are always welcome!
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
White Pg7 Kf5
Black Re8 Ph6 Pd5 Kh5 Pg4 Ph4 Pb3 Pc3 Pd2
Twin Move d5 e4
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