Vlaicu Crisan |
"Born in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 26th August 1973. Master in Design and Implementation of Complex Systems (1997) and BA in Computers Science (1996). I started to be interested in chess problem solving and composing in 1987. It took me 5 years to finish my first chess problem I have composed, but it surely deserved the effort as it was finally selected in the FIDE Album 1992 - 1994. After a long period of learning and admiring chess problems as solver, since 2011 I finally decided to focus solely on composing. My favourite genres in chess composition are fairies - particularly helpselfmates, which constitute the stipulation of the Romanian Tzuica Tourneys I organize together with Eric Huber during WFCC congresses. I also compose retros, mainly Proca Retractor compositions, especially with Circe Assassin - another Romanian pattern. Most of my best problems are actually joint compositions. I am currently the fairy editor of Japanese chess problem magazine Problem Paradise and seldom contributor to the ChessComposers blog maintained and updated by Eric Huber." Selected compositions 1) 1...hSe7=nhS 2.hPAb5=nhPA Sa6 3.hVAxa6=nhVA Sc5 4.nhSf5=whS+ nhPAxf5=bhPA# 1...hSb6=nhS 2.hVAf7=nhVA Sf8 3.hPAxf8=nhPA Se6 4.nhSc4=whS+ nhVAxc4=bhVA# 2) a) 1.Rxe6-c8 Sxc5-b3 2.Kxh7-e5 Rxf5-d6 3.Bxd6-a6+ Kxd3-b4# b) 1.Bxf4-f1 Sxd3-b4 2.Kxh6-e5 Bxf5-e3 3.Rxe3-c1+ Kxc5-b3# 3) 1.Kxd8(Ke2) Kxc6(Kc3) 2.PAxe5(PAc8) Nbxd6(Na4) 3.VAxc4(VAe5)+ Kb3# 1.Kxb7(Ke2) Kxd6(Kf4) 2.VAxc4(VAb8) Nxc6(Nh8) 3.PAxe5(PAc4)+ Kg5# 4) 1... LEd8 2.PAxe6-c4(Bc1) Rxc4-c3(PAc5) 3.PAxc1-h6(Bc7)+ Kd7# 1... LEb8 2.VAxc5-f5(Rh3) Bxf5-g4(VAe6) 3.VAxh3-a3(Rd7)+ Kc7# |
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
I would like to get my birthday removed from chesscomposers.blogspot.com
Please contact me.
Thanks Much,
I M Private
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