Задачи 325 и 326: Anatoly Stepochkin - Fairy (Lion, Camel, Koko) |
325. a) 1.cxd1Li Caf2 2.Lid7 Cae5 3.Ke7 Lig1 4.Ke8 Lie1# b) 1.cxb1Li Lid7 2.Lih1 Lid5 3.Lic6 Cad4 4.Kd7 Lid3# Zilahi, Echo mat (Author) 326. a) 1…Bg2 2.Lie4 Bf1#, 1.Lia8 Bc6 (Rc6?) 2.Kc4 Be4# b) 1…Rc2 2.Lic4 Rd2#, 1.Lic8 Rc6 (Bc6?) 2.Ke4 Rc3# Lion: hops on Queen lines over any unit (the hurdle) to any square beyond the hurdle. Camel: a (1,3/3,1) leaper, e.g. CAa1>b4 or CAa1>d2. Koko Chess (Contact Chess): a move is legal only if the arrival square is adjacent to any piece, this applies also to the capture of king (check, mate). |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan