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Problems 325 & 326: Anatoly Stepochkin - Fairy (Lion, Camel, Koko)

anatoly stepochkin(26.01.2014) Two fairy originals by Anatoly Stepochkin. The first one is with Zilahi and echo mates. The second problem is with two twins with set play and ODT.



325. a) 1.cxd1Li Caf2 2.Lid7 Cae5 3.Ke7 Lig1 4.Ke8 Lie1#

        b) 1.cxb1Li Lid7 2.Lih1 Lid5 3.Lic6 Cad4 4.Kd7 Lid3#

Zilahi, Echo mat (Author)

326. a) 1…Bg2 2.Lie4 Bf1#,  1.Lia8 Bc6 (Rc6?) 2.Kc4 Be4#

        b) 1…Rc2 2.Lic4 Rd2#, 1.Lic8 Rc6 (Bc6?) 2.Ke4 Rc3#

Lion: hops on Queen lines over any unit (the hurdle) to any square beyond the hurdle.

Camel: a (1,3/3,1) leaper, e.g. CAa1>b4 or CAa1>d2.

Koko Chess (Contact Chess): a move is legal only if the arrival square is adjacent to any piece, this applies also to the capture of king (check, mate).



0 #1 Kjell Widlert 2014-01-30 21:42
326 is a wonderful Lion helpmate, with the Lion working (actually or virtually)in both directions on both thematic lines!
0 #2 Nikola Predrag 2014-01-31 04:42
I agree that there is a wonderful change of content when the side on the move is changed.

The example (I) with 4 shorter solutions (h#1.5) might appear as showing the same content except the "wasted moves" by bLi. But these "wasted moves" make a change between the set-play and solution, opening a new dimension. That change gives the original dynamics to the problem and justifies the use of Lion for the idea. In the set-play too, the tries could be marked:
Example (I), h#1.5 4 sol.

In such specific type of problems, moving of the most important piece in the twin is rather unpleasant. The fact that both set-plays and both solutions are not possible from the same position, reduces the charm of a beautiful idea.

Mereith (5+7) would compensate for the twinning a bit.
0 #3 Nikola Predrag 2014-02-08 03:12
I have to apologize, only now I noticed that in the Meredith position which I mentioned, a white piece is superfluous in one phase.
wSb3 looks as the unique possibility.

Still, wK on f8/e7/d6 would spare wPa6.

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