Задача 867: Marjan Kovacevic - Twomover |
(28.12.2017) Сръбският гросмайстор ни представя комплексна комбинация от Домбровскис корекция в заплахата и вторична черна корекция в една чудесна двуходовка.
867. Marjan Kovacevic (Serbia)
Dedidated to Vyacheslav Pilchenko
#2 v (12+5)
1.S~? [2.Rd5# (A)]
1...R~ (a) 2.Rb5# (B)
1...Rxd4 (b) 2.Qxc3#
1...Rb4 2.axb4#
1...Se4 2.Qxc4#
but: 1...Bf2!
1.Se3! [2.Rxc4#]
1...R~ (a) 2.Rd5# (A)
1...Rxd4 (b) 2.Rb5# (B)
1...Kxd4 2.Sf5#
The combination of complete primary threat correction and complete secondary TC, based on double Dombrovskis paradox. It was interesting for me to learn, thanks to Vyacheslav Pilchenko, about the excellent example by him and Valery Shanshin, published earlier this year. Transfering “threat-themes” into field of secondary threats and Black correction, seems to be a fruitful direction (Author)
The author quotes the following recently honored twomover of Vyacheslav Pilchenko & Valerie Shanshin.
Vyacheslav Pilchenko & Valerie Shanshin.
1st Prize, Mikhail Khramtsevich-50 JT 2017
#2 Try
1.Se8? – 2.Qxg6#/2.Sf6#, but 1...Sd4!
1.Sdf5!? – 2.Qxg6(A)# 1...Sf~(a) 2.Rxg5(B)# 1...Sxh4(b) 2.Rxh4#, but 1...e4! 1.Se4! – 2.Sf6# (2.Qxg6?) 1...Sf~(a) 2.Qxg6(A)# (2.Rxg5?), 1...Sxh4(b) 2.Rxg5(B)# |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan