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Problem 176: Fedir Kapustin - Twomover

kapustin(26.04.2013) An interesting twomover with two castlings and change of mates. Welcome to Fedir Kapustin from Ukraine!


a) 1...c5 a 2.Rh5# A

1.Qf8? (zz) 1...Kxe6 b 2.Qe7# B, 1...Kxe4 c 2.Qf4# C, 1...c5!

1.0-0-0? (zz) 1...c5 a 2.Rh5# A, 1...Kxe4! c

1.0-0! (zz) 1...Kxe4 c 2.Rae1# D, 1...c5 a 2.Rf5# E

b) 1.Qg5+? 1...Kxe6 b 2.Qe7# B, 1...Kxe4 c 2.Bxc6# F, 1...Kxd6!

1.0-0? (zz) 1...c5 a 2.Rf5# E, 1...Kxe4! c

1.0-0-0! (zz) 1...Kxe4 c 2.Rhe1# G, 1...c5 a 2.Rh5# A

Change of mates, two white Castlings, twins form (Author) 


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