Problem 380: Miodrag Mladenovic - Selfmate |
1.e8B! (2.Bxe5+ Qxe5+ 3.Qxe5+ Kxc4 4.Bf7+ Sd5#) 1...Rxe8 2.Rxe3+ Bxe3+ 3.Qxe3+ Kxc4 4.Qd3+ Sxd3# 1...Qxb6/d6 2.Sxe3+ Qxc5 3.Rb3+ Kd4 4.Bxe5+ Qxe5# 1...Bxe1 2.Rxe3+ Kc2 3.Sa3+ Kd2 4.Qd4+ Sd3# |
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Duplicate defense: 1...Qxb6/d6 could be easily avoided by adding bPb7. However I think that this position is better.
The original thematic idea is successfully shown when each THEMATIC variation shows only one and THEMATIC line of play. Therefore, the duals in thematic variations are MAJOR.
In fighting genres, White fulfills the task and Black opposes, so the realization often needs the side-variations. Non-thematic side-variations are IRRELEVANT for the original content which the author wants to present. Therefore, the duals in non-thematic variations are MINOR. They don't disturb the presentation of the original idea, a solver will see it, so the composition fulfills its purpose.
As a principle, a judge may disagree with the author only if the ORIGINAL THEMATIC content is disturbed or not clear and convincing, and about some potentially provable points of economy and mechanism.
Exaggeration of an essentially insignificant detail to a proportion of a great esthetic flaw could be a personal/private liberty, but imposing a personal "ideology" on the others, reduces their liberty.
I don't see any logical reason to consider black duals as significant in principle, and Miodrag also doesn't seem much worried about them. Suddenly, ... the "two or more concurrent defenses by different pieces" is always a flaw...! WHY? And particularly, why the elimination from the tourney?
Because the judge says so?
The criteria which significantly determine a value of a composition should rely on the firm unambiguous logic that could be commonly accepted. Personal esthetic preferences might have an influence on the order of similar compositions but within the same level of quality.
Of course, anyone may organize a tourney and announce any specific esthetic criteria which will be applied.
For someone the "concurrent defense" is a choice for a better economy. In my opinion it is an unfortunate lack of accuracy if they can be avoided. While in #375 1...,c5(c6) was a generic move of the same piece, in #380 1...,Qxb6 and 1...,Qd6 are two different defense because the motivation (eclipse and indirect guard on e5/guard on d4) so they amplify the repetitions. It is inexplicable that Miodrag has not focused on the essential point, forcing me to argue with the translator. The main point is that 1...,Qxb6/Qd6 are (parasite) thematic variations. There are captures of thematic piece and mate by thematic pieces as requested by the theme. They would have been side variations if there had been thematic capture whitout thematic mate or vice versa, or Preferably with neither.
(I think Nicola as never analyzed the problems. For some reasons he has built a few sentences on the basis of the statements of the author or other commenters. It is not the best way to partecipate in the discussion.)
For sure the author tried to avoid the "side variations".
For the serie "excusatio non petita": I agree that some explanations were too synthetic. The judge deserves summary execution, but the above-mentioned is not the main reason...
75 percent of the h#2 qualified as Zilahi in the PDB are passive-Z.
Despite the different defensive motivations against the threat, black duals 1...Qb6/d6 are just a varied start of single thematic variation which has some minuses and some pluses. Not a great but an acceptable thematic addition to the two main thematic variations.
The threat and 1...Rxe8 etc., look enough clear and sufficient to include this problem in the award.
The question now is what is my personal esthetics which the others can ignore and what makes the essential foundations of anything, including chess composition. And the essential foundations can ignore anyone's personal taste.
I want to build a house (within my financial limitations). I care about good fundament, walls, roof etc., about functionality and comfort according to the inteded purpose of the house and about the esthetics that will suit my taste. Someone would prefere an ordinary but comfortable armchair, someone would take a less comfortable but beautiful armchair. That is not a serious issue for judging, everyone's choice should be respected.
But what about this issue - when outside is cold, I'll close the window, when it's hot I'll do the same and when it's loudness I''ll do the same. Judge says: same action for different reasons? Unacceptable, eliminate that house and build one on the top of the mountain, there's never hot nor loudness, so you will close the window only when it's cold.
Stupid example, but why would anyone find it unpleasant to do the same action for different reasons.
Undue repetitions in a problem are as unnecessary turns of phrase of the critics. Who is at risk of being lost are not the recipient of the message but the author. I think it is superfluous point out the contradictions between the #9-380 and the #11/375, or other similar performances.
About oversized foundations, walls, floors,etc. (unfortunately, sometimes what happens is the opposite) and/or unnecessary doors, Windows, stairs,etc., they are contraindicates not only for economic reasons but also technical. With regard to furnishings, a house with many useless tables, chairs, light fixtures,etc. seems a bazaar. Do you want a confortable house or a showroom?
1.Bh5! (2,Bxe5+,Qxe5+ 3.Qxe5+,Kxd3 4.Bg6+,Se4#)
1...,Rxh5 2.Rxc5+,Bxc5+ 3.Qxc5+,Kxd3 4.Qc4+,Sxc4#
1...,Qf4 2.Se1+,Qxe3 3.Rc2+,Kd4 4.Bxe5+,Qxe5#
Not the big result but the bB variation is avoided and after 1...Qf4 the repeated thematic moves are 2 instead of 3.
About #15-385, in my opinion both terms are acceptable also in HelpSelf.
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