Problem 375: Miodrag Mladenovic - Selfmate |
1.Sh1! (2.Sf7+ Kf4 3.Rxe4+ Bxe4#) 1…e1R/Sfg3 2.Rxh4+ Kxh4 3.Sxf3+ Rxf3# 1…c6/c5 2.Sxh3+ Kxh3 3.Sxf2+ Sxf2# 1…Kf4 2.Sxh3+ Ke5 3.Rxe4+ Bxe4# There is a cycle of capturing of black mating pieces - Knight / Bishop / Rook. (Author) |
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
One can see that the realization was not easy...
But it's mysterious to me how easily the name Zilahi is given to a quite opposite essence.
In direct or help mates, White sacrifices one piece for the White's goal, to ENABLE the other white piece to mate bK.
In a selfmate, Black would sacrifice a piece to AVOID mating wK. Capture of black piece is not sacrifice if it does not serve Black's goal.
Nikola, I composed this for SuperProblem TT-109. Here is an original definition of theme:
[qyote]" Typical selfmate Zilahi. In one variation (a) the White capture a black piece/pawn which mates in the other variation (b). In the variation b) the White capture the black piece/pawn which mates in a). Cyclic form of the theme is welcomed.".
That's why I named it Zilahi. Although I agree it's not the best name.
This problem did not make an award. Judge commented this problem with those words:
In threat and two thematic variations there is no repetition of moves at all. There is only repetition in side variation 1...Kf4!.
But in this case, there is some sense in using the Zilahi name. You could argue that WHITE sacrifices one black piece (that could have helped him reach his goal of being mated) in order to let Another black piece mate him.
It semms clear that it is not Black who sacrifices here; he has no choice!
As regarding the name of the theme: the Zilahi theme (in direct,helpmate,selfmate and helpself as well) requires the capture of mating pieces. Capture does not necessarily mean (voluntary or involuntary) sacrifice. To judge by the intentions is not a scientific approach in order to search for a clear definition of the theme.
However I'm waiting to see some example of selfmate with the theorized Zilahi theme in wich Black sacrifices some pieces to avoid mating the wKing.
For the White's task, 1...e1R and 1...Sg3 are the same, both guarding e2&e4. It is one variation for White who doesn't have to care which move Black will choose, only what will be the effect.
You may see it as unpleasant but for a serious judgement, your personal taste should not have a significant effect on such a complex idea.
Kjell has pretty convincingly shown that actually there is the essence of White Zilahi but using the black pieces.
There is no sacrifice without capture. Therefore, the capture of mating pieces is essential to the theme and the concept of voluntary or involuntary sacrifice is optional. The Zilahi theme (like others) is a container suitable for many meanings, all sources of entertainment for composers. A "false Zilahi" might be enjoyable as a genuine Picasso or Zagorujko, even if not in the author's intention. Yes, it would be funny if the "passive Zilahi" was only accepted in helpmate.
About the name of the theme: Zilahi may not be the best name, but I think it is acceptable. In selfmate there examples of the theme since 1911 and 1915 when Zoltan Zilahi was a schoolboy.
It is surprising, and contradictory, that a demanding theorist as Nicola likes repetitions in thematic variations. The "dualistic" 1...e1R and 1...Sg3 (why no more?) is not exciting and could be avoided even if in less economic position. ->
I would say that it might decrease the value of the realization for few percents but not more than 10 percents. If the complexity of the idea is arbitrarily worth 20 points, the realization would be worth at least 18 points. This would still be more than a perfect realization of some simpler idea.
(But for instance, a possibility of mates by two black pieces in the same variation could not be thematic, since a mate by a particular piece makes the theme.)
A piece which proves its mating potential in one variation/phase, is sacrificed in the other. Sacrifice means annihilation of that piece, or at least of its complete power. Captures in Circe or AntiTake&Make could improve the position and increase the power of the captured piece. This makes a completely absurd concept of "sacrifice" and of Zilahi effect.
But this will not discourage a great composer to engag? in ambitious projects.
However, I'll point to Janevski's No.362, Kobulchess, where bQ is only a nuisance that could be annihilated by a piece which will anyway play to that square, so it's a bit paradoxical that bQ must avoid it, searching for the unique place to hideaway.
A bit of Umnov is presented.
Meaning of a word and of a whole underlying concept should not be distorted. If only a part of the concept is extracted, this should be marked by a word (as pseudo etc.) or by some code.
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