Problem 351: Geoff Foster - Fairy (KoBul Kings, neutral pieces) |
White: 1…Kb4 2.nSf5 nQxf5(bK=rS)+ 3.rSd2 Kc3# 1…nSg8 2.Kd5 nQxg8(bK=rS)+ rSc7 Kb6# Black: 1…nSf5 2.nQb7+ Kxf5(wK=rS) 3.rSxb7(bK=rQ) rQd5# 1…nQg8 2.nSxg8(bK=rQ) nSe7 3.nSd5 rQxd5(wK=rS)# Echo mates (Author)
KoBul Kings: when a piece (not a pawn) of his own side is captured, a King transforms into a Royal piece of the same type as the captured one. When the King is in the form of any Royal piece and there is a capture of one of the pawns of his own side, he becomes a normal King again. Neutral piece: a unit with this characteristic may be regarded as of either colour by the side whose turn it is to play. Neutral pawns promote to neutral pieces. |
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