Problem 341: Zivko Janevski - Twomover |
1...exf3 a 2.c4# A 1...Re6 b 2.Bxe6# 1...b5 2.Qc6# 1.Sd~? (2.c4# A) 1…Rc1 2.fxe4# 1…b5! 1.Sf5! (2.Se7#) 1...Re6 b 2.c4# A 1...exf3 b 2.Qc4# 1...Ke6 2.Se3# 1.Bf1? (2.Qc4#, 2.Bc4#) 1…b5 2.Qc6# 1...Rxf1 2.fxe4# 1...Re2! Combination of Threat Correction with Ruchlis paradox, Rudenko theme, mates on same square and flight-giving key. (Author) |
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