Problem 330 (& version 330.1): Abdelaziz Onkoud - Fairy (Fers, Vizir, Leo, Pao, Vao) |
You can see the improved version 330.1. after the initial original. 1…LEh8 2.LExf5 Sxf5 3.LEe2 Vxd4# 1…LEc6 2.LExd5 Sxd5 3.LEe2 Fe4# Zilahi theme, Model mates (Author)
1…Gc6 2.PAxc7 Sxc7 3.PAf6+ (VAf6?) Vxd5# 1…Gb4 2.VAxc5 Sxc5 3.VAf6+ (PAf6?) Fd6# Zilahi, Guidelli, cross check, echo diagonal-orthogonal, model mates. (Author) Vizir (Wazir): moves like a Rook, but can go only one square (0,1 Leaper) Fers (Ferz): moves like a Bishop, but can go only one square (1,1 Leaper) Leo: Move as Queen, but capture by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond. Vao: Move as Bishop, but capture by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond Pao: Move as Rook, but capture by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond |
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
Your combinations are very beautiful!
Please, look at this version without a capture on f4:
White Sg7 Kh7 Pe5 WEf5 FEh5 Pe4 Pe3 Gh3 FEd1 WEf1 (10)
Black Kf3 LEc2 Ph2 LEh1 (4)
H#2,5 2 solutions
bLeo h1, c2, wWazir f1, f5
wFers d1, h5 wGrasshopper h3
b) 1...Gh3-h6 2.LEh1*h5 + Sg7*h5 3.LEc2-g2 WEf5-f4 #
a) 1...Gh3-e6 2.LEc2*f5 Sg7*f5 3.LEh1-g2 FEh5-g4 #
bLEf1 requires a hurdle (bPf3). bBg4 would do the same job without a hurdle.
(I)White LEa8 Se7 Pc5 WEd5 FEf5 Pc4 Kc1
Black LEh5 Pd4 Bg4 Kd3
As Janos partially showed, Grasshoppers would be quite enough.
(II)W: Se7 Pc5 WEd5 FEf5 Gf3 Kb1
B: Gb5 Pd4 Bg4 Kd3 Rd2
The pins of wWd5 and wFEf5 in the original are technical, to prevent many cooks. Black Leos must block e2, irrelevantly to their initial (pinning) position, so the "unpin" is only an artificial accident. That is perhaps not enough to justify convincingly these fairy pieces. But I'll accept that this might be a matter of personal criteria.
It could have been supposed that some additional fairy pieces would only make the things worse.
But there is a supremely important element which connects the pieces and their functions/effects into single complex mechanism in 330.1. It is dual-avoidance, the pin decides which of the two potential pieces will block f6. And the PAf2/VAg7 are not only the dummy-hurdles, they respectively function as the active and the passive (virtual) part of anti-dual play.
The unpin is performed as a battery-check, because wV/wF act as hurdles. White mates and parries the check by moving away the hurdle from the checking-line.
This greatly emphasizes the fairy essence of the mechanism.
Bravo Abdelaziz!
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