Problem 321: Balasubramanian & Kostadinov & Rittirsch - Fairy (Anti Take & Make, Madrasi) |
a) 1.Ra6! Rf3! 2.Kxf3(Rf6) Kxf2(Bb6)# [3.K~??, 3.B~??] b) 1.Ba7! Be5! 2.Kxe5(Bd4) Kxe6(Rb6)# [3.K~??, 3.B~??]
Critical moves, Grimshaw, ODT, change of functions, active sacrifices, specific fairy play, miniature. (Authors)
Anti Take & Make: every capture ("take") must be complemented by a further step ("make" - not a capture) by the captured piece (Kings excluded), which must move from its square of vanish (according to the wishes of the capturing side in case of options). The capture is forbidden if the captured unit have not possible move. Promotions at the end of the "make" element are normal. Madrasi Rex Inclusive: Mutually attacking black and white units of the same type (including Kings) paralyse each other, so that they may no longer move or give check. The paralysis may be removed, for example by interference (in the case of line pieces), or by capture of either of the paralysed units. |
site for chess composition
General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
But any specific legal fairy play is not automatically thematic, just as any legal play is not automatically thematic in the orthodox problems.
Why should "specific fairy play" be mentioned in the comment? It is stipulated and expected as mandatory in a fairy problem. Trouble is that some authors think that each specific fairy move is thematic by itself. Theme is something else, irrelevantly to its name. Name is only a short way to say what happens in the play.
* How do we mate? - By Madrasi-paralysing the bK and mating him with R or B.
* How do we stop Black from paralysing the mating piece? - By putting the mating piece and its black counterpart on the same line, with the other black piece in between
* How do we get the other black piece there? - By Anti-T&M transport.
* How do we stop it from moving away? - By paralysing it with its white counterpart.
* How do we prepare this? - By a critical move of the black piece to be interfered.
The unity is enhanced by using b6 as the critical square in both solution.
With Pd5 as the only technical piece - what else could we ask for? A wonderful problem!
Nikola, sorry for my delayed reply... I started to write it but realize that it become so long including some example schemes and I am still not able to finish it (as usual I am really busy - I am manager of new working project; judging about 20 tourneys including FIDE Album; trying to update the website every day; receiving and answering on about 10-15 emails every day; working on ChessComposer version 3.0 etc.).
This week I will finish and publish my comment and by the way there will explain also what I mean with the "specific fairy play" which term I used some times.
Sorry again for delay!
I said exactly the same as Kjell did. "Critical Grimshaw" is just a short expression for the combined play which would certainly not be original just for its own sake. But the the complex motivation for Critical Grimshaw is wonderful and original.
The "whole" is not only greater of the "sum of parts", it MAKES the ORIGINAL CONTENT. The elements are just the bricks which build a house. And a house has a completely different meaning and purpose than just a heap of bricks.
There is probably a misunderstanding, I surely agree that there is beautifully motivated specific fairy play which makes the whole point of that problem. What I say is that this particular specificity should be explained in the comment. Specific fairy play is expected in any fairy problem, why should that be mentioned if the particular specificity is not pointed out? Kjell did it clearer than me.
Thanks for such a precise but well explained comments.
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