Looks really nice, especially 316, 317 seems more familiar and somewhat artificial. I hope they are not seriously anticipated.
In 317, bQ moves twice but bSf4 doesn't play at all, it blocks square in 2nd solution but in the 1st, it is there just to be pinned. Since f4 could be blocked by bP, the whole idea of pinning the static bSf4 twice, is not very convincing.
One piece, which is passively thematic in one phase, could thematically play in the other phase. These functions could be reciprocally interchanged with some other piece. The scheme might be: w:Rc2,Bc5,Bh5,Qh7; b:Kd3,Rd5,Se4; 1.Se4-c3 Qf7 and 1.Rd5-d4 Qe7, with the same finish. bRd5 and bSe4 would have reciprocal function. Of course, the scheme might be adjusted for soundness and economy (5+12 or perhaps better).
Congratulations Thomas & Vitaly! Here's a new opportunity (self-pins with 9 men):-) White Pf5 Sd4 Re4 Bf3 Kb2 Rd2 (6) Black Kd5 Pc4 Rc1 (3) H#2 2 Sol. 1.Rc1-c3 Sd4-b3 + A 2.Rc3-d3 Re4-e6 # B 1.Rc1-e1 Re4-e6 + B 2.Re1-e4 Sd4-b3 # A
Thank you, Janos! Your version of No 316 (comment #3) has a good economy, but the content looks quite simple. Besides, two moves by BR in each phase look boring, on my taste.
Here's a new opportunity (self-pins with 9 men):-)
wPg4 clearly shows that the author was aware of that opportunity already in year 2005! And he decided to avoid it as a cook.
Self-pin requires only 1 move and the other black move should be used for something more. Vitaly said:".. two moves by BR in each phase look boring, on my taste." He is right but it is not only a personal taste.
In your example, bR can be on e3 and h#1.5 would achieve the main content. Additional introductory moves in your example, 1.Rc1-c3/1.Rc1-e1, are not convincing reason for the extended stipulation. h#2 is too short for wasting moves on "technical" reasons.
Merely technical moves might be acceptable in longer stipulations, but it's also better to avoid them as much as possible.
One example (for your example) with the reciprocal critical hideaways: W:Kf8,Pe5,Sc4,Rd4,Rc1,Bg1 B:Kc5,Pb4,Pa3,Rd3,Pg3,Qd2
Thank you Vitaly for the information in comment #6! When I received the file with (about 10) helpmates by Thomas he told me that they are not published yet. Of course problem n.316 will be excluded from the tourney.
Thanks Vitaly, there are various possibilities in that scheme. I suggest the author to use the scheme for some enough different thematic content (as the example shows). That would be acceptable as original (at least as "after P1100392").
Even that the problem 316 will be not part of the tourney, I think that the proposed versions in this discussion are very educative and interesting, so you can see them with diagrams here: prntscr.com/2kehc0
Hello Thank you for your comments and your versions. I am really sorry for the 316, I had forgotten it had been already published. I will try to be more vigilant for future publications.
I'll try to explain better my comment to no.317. A good scheme and thematic content could be realized more or less convincing. The functionality and economy of the MECHANISM is very important. Mechanism should be dynamic, static elements are not a genuine part of a mechanism, although they passively support its functioning. bSf4 has no active function so why should it be on the diagram? It is a cookstopper in the first place and also gives an artificial reason for h#2. ser-h#2 would spare 7 pieces: (I) W:Kc6,Bc5,Bf3,Rc2; B:Qb4,Pf4,Pb3,Kd3,Pd2,Pf2 The extension of this ser-h#2 is achieved with bSf4 and wQ which perform the pin. But bS+wQ make a completely independent additional (half-static) mechanism. The main mechanism can work without it, as (I) clearly shows. Therefore, the added introductory moves by wQ are only "technical" in their true nature, although they may look as thematic to someone. -Continued in the next comment-
White pieces Rc2,Bc5,Bf3 function in a cyclic mechanism, pin-guard-mate. This cyclic change makes Bc5 an intrinsic part of the mechanism, despite its apparently static functions. The dynamics of Bc5 is achieved through the changed function. bQ is active and together with active bK, it creates the thematic relation with the white mechanism. However, bQ has the same function in both phases and despite the obvious activity, this dynamics may still look as a "technical" move, added to the scheme h#1: W:Kd6,Bc5,Bf3,Rc2;B:Bd4,Pf4,Pb3,Sc3,Kd3,Pd2,Pf2 Well, now you may ask what do I want. If I claim that everything is artificial, then why not this h#1: (III) W:Kd6,Bf3,Qb2; B:Pf4,Kd3,Pf2 The true question is, what makes a unique, functional and economical MECHANISM? -Continued in the next comment-
It is the dynamics which unites all thematic pieces (parts) into one single mechanism. Activity of these pieces or the change of their static functions creates the dynamics. W:Rg8,Bb5,Bg5,Qb4,Kh4 B:Bd8,Sf8,Kf7,Ph7,Pd6,Se6,Pc5,Pd5,Rf5,Pc4,Pd4,Pf4 H#2; 1.Rf6 Qe1 2.Ke7 Rg7#; 1.Sg7 Qb1 2.Kg6 Be8# Now, wQ must pin the different pieces, in each phase the piece which has a selfblock function. But that piece has the line-closing (+ different selfblock) function in the other phase. The reciprocally changed functions of bRf5/bSe6 involve wQ into the dynamics of the whole unified mechanism. Transfer of the functions between the phases which links white pieces: wQ=pin1-(bS)-pin2=wR=mate1-mate2=wBb5=guard1-guard2=Bc5=pin1-(bR)-pin2=wQ
A completely unified dynamical mechanism is what I search for in the realization. Any artificial addition of some "external" and self-justifying mechanism, is "technical" in the essence. Especially when the parts/pieces of that external mechanism have functions only in one phase. So called "unified/matching solutions" don't impress me if the MECHANISM is not unified. But a good original mechanism is always interesting.
Nikola, the mechanism (your version of n.317) would be perfect if there will be a clear function permutation of WRg8/WBg5. WRg8 is a static pinner in one phase and it mates in the other phase. WBg5 is a static pinner in one phase and it guards flights in the other phase. So, it is a slight imperfection, on my glance. But your understanding of a mechanism is perfect, I think
Vitaly, complete reciprocity of wR/wBg5 would close their own circle and their functions would not be transferred to other pieces. Such reciprocity is missing in the original scheme but the functions are cyclically distributed to wR,wBg5 and wBb5: pin, guard and mate. Cyclic change of functions makes a more complex mechanism, even when the cycle is not completed (when all pieces execute all functions). The cycle of 3 white pieces is present in the original but the pin of bQ can't be transferred to wQ. And that's the benefit of bRf5/bSe6, the pin of the particular piece (bR/bS) includes wQ into the cyclically changed functions of 4 white pieces. The whole line of the functions is shifted in the 2nd solution with the last link (pinbR) shifted to 1st position (wQ). So, the line is actually closed into a circle. pinbS-mate-guard-pinbR -wQ----wR---wBb5-wBg5 pinbR-pinbS-mate-guard
In 317, bQ moves twice but bSf4 doesn't play at all, it blocks square in 2nd solution but in the 1st, it is there just to be pinned. Since f4 could be blocked by bP, the whole idea of pinning the static bSf4 twice, is not very convincing.
One piece, which is passively thematic in one phase, could thematically play in the other phase. These functions could be reciprocally interchanged with some other piece. The scheme might be:
w:Rc2,Bc5,Bh5,Qh7; b:Kd3,Rd5,Se4;
1.Se4-c3 Qf7 and 1.Rd5-d4 Qe7, with the same finish.
bRd5 and bSe4 would have reciprocal function. Of course, the scheme might be adjusted for soundness and economy (5+12 or perhaps better).
Here's a new opportunity (self-pins with 9 men):-)
White Pf5 Sd4 Re4 Bf3 Kb2 Rd2 (6)
Black Kd5 Pc4 Rc1 (3)
H#2 2 Sol.
1.Rc1-c3 Sd4-b3 + A 2.Rc3-d3 Re4-e6 # B
1.Rc1-e1 Re4-e6 + B 2.Re1-e4 Sd4-b3 # A
White Kc7 Bc6 Bf4 Rc3 Qh3 (5)
Black Pg7 Ra5 Qb5 Sf5 Sb4 Kd4 Pg4 Pd3 Pf3 Pg3 Pe2 (11)
H#2 2 Sol.
1.Qb5-c4 Qh3-h5 2.Kd4-c5 Bf4-e3 #
1.Qb5-d5 Qh3-h7 2.Kd4-e4 Rc3-c4 #
wPg4 clearly shows that the author was aware of that opportunity already in year 2005!
And he decided to avoid it as a cook.
Self-pin requires only 1 move and the other black move should be used for something more.
Vitaly said:".. two moves by BR in each phase look boring, on my taste."
He is right but it is not only a personal taste.
In your example, bR can be on e3 and h#1.5 would achieve the main content. Additional introductory moves in your example, 1.Rc1-c3/1.Rc1-e1, are not convincing reason for the extended stipulation. h#2 is too short for wasting moves on "technical" reasons.
Merely technical moves might be acceptable in longer stipulations, but it's also better to avoid them as much as possible.
One example (for your example) with the reciprocal critical hideaways:
Lovely reciprocal critical hideaways with Leibovici interferences in a Meredith position!
I suggest the author to use the scheme for some enough different thematic content (as the example shows). That would be acceptable as original (at least as "after P1100392").
There is also my suggestion about no.317
Also the version of problem n.317 here:
Your website is a convenient platform for this
Thank you for your comments and your versions. I am really sorry for the 316, I had forgotten it had been already published. I will try to be more vigilant for future publications.
bSf4 has no active function so why should it be on the diagram? It is a cookstopper in the first place and also gives an artificial reason for h#2. ser-h#2 would spare 7 pieces:
(I) W:Kc6,Bc5,Bf3,Rc2; B:Qb4,Pf4,Pb3,Kd3,Pd2,Pf2
The extension of this ser-h#2 is achieved with bSf4 and wQ which perform the pin. But bS+wQ make a completely independent additional (half-static) mechanism. The main mechanism can work without it, as (I) clearly shows. Therefore, the added introductory moves by wQ are only "technical" in their true nature, although they may look as thematic to someone. -Continued in the next comment-
bQ is active and together with active bK, it creates the thematic relation with the white mechanism.
However, bQ has the same function in both phases and despite the obvious activity, this dynamics may still look as a "technical" move, added to the scheme h#1:
Well, now you may ask what do I want. If I claim that everything is artificial, then why not this h#1:
(III) W:Kd6,Bf3,Qb2; B:Pf4,Kd3,Pf2
The true question is, what makes a unique, functional and economical MECHANISM? -Continued in the next comment-
B:Bd8,Sf8,Kf7,Ph7,Pd6,Se6 ,Pc5,Pd5,Rf5,Pc4,Pd4,Pf4
1.Rf6 Qe1 2.Ke7 Rg7#; 1.Sg7 Qb1 2.Kg6 Be8#
Now, wQ must pin the different pieces, in each phase the piece which has a selfblock function. But that piece has the line-closing (+ different selfblock) function in the other phase. The reciprocally changed functions of bRf5/bSe6 involve wQ into the dynamics of the whole unified mechanism.
Transfer of the functions between the phases which links white pieces:
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