Twomovers (#2) Judge: Karol Mlynka (Slovakia)
Send to tournament director: Youness Ben Jelloun (Marocco)
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Threemovers (#3) Judge: Valery Shavyrin (Russia)
Moremovers (#N) Judge: Mike Prcic (USA)
Studies(+;=) Judge: Michal Hlinka(Slovakia)
Selfmates(S#) Judge: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
Send to tournament director: Vidadi Zamanov (Azerbaijan)
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Helpmates (H#2 and H#N) Judge: Franz Pachl (Germany)
Send to tournament director: Jamal M Elbaz (Morocco)
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Prizes, honourable mentions and commendations will be awarded.
Send problems and studies in format PDF.
Closing date: 30.09.2019
The award – 2019
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