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Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Mike Prcic 80 -JT
sgfadil.abdurahmanovicmike.prcic(13.01.2019) Here is the announcement of the Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Mike Prcic 80 -JT organized by Strate Gems.
Fadil Abdurahmanovic and Mike Prcic 80thJubilee Tourney
Celebrating 64 years of composing chess problems
StrateGems is announcing a jubilee tourney to celebrate the 80thbirthdays of
Fadil Abdurahmanovic and Mike Prcic. This tourney will be in three sections:
Section A: Helpmates in 2 or 3 moves with set-play (h#2*, h#3*).
Section B: Helpmates in 2 or 3 moves with at least 2 solutions (no twins).
Section B: Helpmates in 4 or more moves.
The theme for the first two sections (A and B) is the following:
Antinomy (Contrasting Play). The thematic pieces in the first phase cause a certain effect, while in the second phase the same thematic piecescause contrasting (contradictory) effect.
Here are some examples of Antinomy: Guard - unguard, Blocking - unblocking, Closing lines - opening lines, Pinning - unpinning, Critical move - anti-critical move, Bristol - Anti-Bristol, Check - Check prevention.
The theme for Section C is:
Helpmate in 4 or more moves using at least two of the following themes: Rundlauf, Platzwechsel, Indian and Klasinc.
Judges: Fadil Abdurahmanovic and Mike Prcic.
The tourney director is Marko Klasinc.
All entries should be sent to him by email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  
The due date is September 15th, 2019.
The results will be published in the January 2020 issue of StrateGems.
All awarded problems will receive book prizes and free electronic subscriptions to StrateGems.

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