Problem 1004: Kenan Velikhanov - Helpmate |
(11.12.2019) Another nice HOTF from the Azerbaijan expert showing Zilahi, Chumakov and other themes!
1004. Kenan Velikhanov (Azerbaijan)
H#2 4 sol. (6+6)
1.Sc6 c4 2.Sd4 Sd5#
1.Sxd3 Bd6 2.Re4 Rxd3# 1.Kxd2 Ba3 2.Ke3 Bc1# 1.Kxf4 Be7 2.Ke3 Bg5# 1/3 in the black king game; annihilation-switchback and self-block,
Chumakov theme, paradox Zilahi. (Author)
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