(04.07.2014) Helpmate with complex strategy (unpins/pins, open of lines, Zilahi, change of functions) by the russian tandem Ivunin & Pankratiev. (The problem is anticipated and will not take a part in the tourney)
Yes - two couples of white pieces change their roles: Sc4/Rh4 and Sc5/Bg5 - one of the pair is completely destroyed and the other give a mate using the open line by the bQ (even that there is a little disanalogy).
Thank you very much for this information Dmitri! Unfortunately after many problems by Pankratiev which were found anticipated - I am sorry but deciding to stop publish his problems in the website from now...
Unfortunately after many problems by Pankratiev which were found anticipated - I am sorry but deciding to stop publish his problems in the website from now...
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