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Problems 410 & 411: Nikola Predrag - Helpmate

nikola(19.06.2014) We present two more helpmates from Nikola Predrag.  He has used another unusual twinning to show lengthy double rundlaufs. In these problems also the twinning happens after the mating position of each previous solution.  (I have used the symbol "#>"  to indicate that the change of twin happens after the previous mating position).






410. Nikola Predrag (Croatia)
H#2                (4+13)
b)#>bKc8 c)#>bKg7 d)#>bKg1 e)#>bKc2  [f)#>bKc6 & wPd3...]


  a) 1.Ba3 d4 2.Bc5 d5#

b) 1.Be7 d6 2.Bd8 d7#

      c) 1.Bg5 d8Q 2.Bh6 Qf6#

     d) 1.Bf4 Qh4 2.Bh2 Qe1#

     e) 1.Be5 Qg3 2.Bb2 Qd3#

Two ten-step Rundlaufs:

Bl.bishop: b2-a3-c5-e7-d8-g5-h6-f4-h2-e5-h2.

W.Pawn:/Q: d3-d4-d5-d6-d7-d8-f6-h4-e1-g3-d3. (Author)

The length of the Rundlauf makes the task, also the consistency of the twinning without any superflous white officer in any of the phases. The captureless play ensures that only the BK, WP/Q changes position during the play enabling the return to the start position (Author)  

The next problem shows even longer Rundlaufs. The twinning is not consistent at twin (g), but worthwhile considering the length of the round-trip !. (Seetharaman)


411. Nikola Predrag (Croatia)
H#2                        (7+9)
 b)#>bKa8 c)>#bKh6 d)>#bKe1 e)>#bKg3 f)>#bKg8,
g)>#bKc1 & bPh4-f3  h)>#bKd4  [a)bKc6, Pf3-h4 & wQ=wP...]


 a) 1.Bb6 b4 2.Ba5 b5#
 b) 1.Bc7 b6 2.Bb8 b7#
      c) 1.Bf4 b8Q 2.Bg5 Qh8#
     d) 1.Be3 Qh6 2.Bf2 Qc1#
    e) 1.Bg1 Qf1 2.Bh2 Qf3#
    f) 1.Bd6 Qh5 2.Bf8 Qh7#
     g) 1.Ba3 Qh4 2.Bb2 Qe1#
     h) 1.Kc4 Qb1 2.Bd4 Qb3#

15-square Rundlauf by the Black bishop and 16 square Rundlauf by the WP/Q. (Author)



+5 #1 Vitaly Medintsev 2014-06-19 07:35
Two more unusual chess performances from Nikola showing the synergy of logic and strategy! Who knows, maybe the concept of continued problem will became a popular type of Helpmates Of The Future?
It will be not easy to judge HELPmate section in KoBullChess.com 2014 IT. Lets HELP the judge by our comments! :-)
+2 #2 Seetharaman Kalyan 2014-06-19 13:19
More popular is the removal of white mating piece. Using that Bala did some years ago a nice problem showing a short rundlauf. Nikola is taking the theme to great heights with this more unusual twinning. Well done Nikola!
+1 #3 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-06-19 23:28
Last year the theme in Matreshka tourney (WCCC Kobe) was also for interesting twin form - the twin is created after change of colour of the mating piece in the mating position.
Here is the bulletin with the award:
+2 #4 Nikola Predrag 2014-06-25 20:17
This Matreshka award, the Bala's gem and the award at bstephen.me.uk/.../... ,
show very interesting potential of the "Continued Play" twinning.

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