Problem 393: Zoran Gavrilovski - Selfmate |
1.e6? (2.Qxf5+ Kxc4 3.d3+ Bxd3#), 1...Kxc4! x 1.Sf3? (2.Se1+ Ke4 3.d3+ Bxd3#) 1...Sxf3 z 2.Rb3+ Ke4 3.d3+ Bxd3#, 1...Ke4! y 1.Se6!! (2.Qxf5+ C Kxc4 3.Qe4+ Bxe4#) 1...Kxc4 x 2.Sf4+Kc5 3.Sd3+Bxd3# 1...Ke4 y 2.Sc5+Kf3 3.Qxf5+Bxf5# 1...Sf3 z 2.Sf4+ Ke4 3.d3+ Bxd3# [1.Qf6?/Qg6? (2.Qd6+ Kxc4 3.d3+ Bxd3#) 1...Kxc4 x 2.Qxc6+ Kd3 3.Qc2+ Bxc2#, 1...Sf3! z 1.c5? A (zz) 1...f4 2.Qxf4 (zz) Sf3/Sh3 3.Sxf3/Sxh3 (zz) Bc2# 1...Sf3 z 2.Rd7+ Sd4 3.f4 B (zz) Bc2#, 1...Sh3! 1.f4? B (zz) 1...c5 2.Qxf5+ C Kxc4 3.Qe4+ Bxe4# 1...Sf3 z 2.Rd7+ Sd4 3.c5 A (zz) Bc2#, 1...Sh3!] Two flight-giving tries are refuted by royal flights, which also appear as defences in the solution after a double-flight giving key. An original idea, probably shown for the first time in a selfmate. [The remaining content includes changed continuations after 1...Kxc4 and 1...S(x)f3, change of function of the move Qxf5+ and inversion of c5 and f4 as 1st and 3rd moves.] (Author). An unexpected corrective flight-giving key which grants two flights and white battery play. An original and attractive thematic complex. (Zivko Janevski) |
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