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Problem 391: Azer Abbasov - Helpmate

azer abbasov(10.05.2014) Welcome to Azer Abbasov - an obviously talented young composer from Azerbaijan!  His problem shows a sparkling Zilahi and he is only 15 years old!  







a) 1.Be5 Se4 2.fxe4 Bg4#

b) 1.Re6 Bg4 2.fxg4 Sxd3#




+2 #1 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-05-10 01:35
I am very happy to see such an young (and talented) composer and I sincerely wish him welcome to KoBulChess and good luck in our art!
+3 #2 xirdalan 2014-05-10 06:19
Dear colleagues, I spoke with Azer Abbasov and that's what he said:
Azer with six years of experience in chess. According to him, always treated with great interest in chess composition. A lot to address the problems and studies. And then decided to try to compile their tasks might be happy if my problem give people pleasure.
+2 #3 xirdalan 2014-05-10 06:26
Good Meredith, with active victims of the white pieces, in order to connect the vertical action rook.
+3 #4 Kjell Widlert 2014-05-11 19:03
Yes, a good work: Zilahi with Active sacrifices of both thematic pieces.
+4 #5 Nikola Predrag 2014-05-12 13:28
Yes, the scheme reveals a talent which could be quickly developing, and complex ideas will come naturally in proper time.

Concerning the development of composing technique, one advice is to care about the economy from the beginning. The question is: are wPc4 and bPd6 necessary?
Or: why is the white King useless?
+1 #6 seetharaman 2014-05-12 16:01
Quoting Nikola Predrag:
are wPc4 and bPd6 necessary?
Or: why is the white King useless?

Pertinent advice. However there seems to be no quick passage in that route due to Persistent cooks :)
+1 #7 xirdalan 2014-05-12 17:42
Yes Mr. Nikola rights.
Let's hope that in the future will Azer work on themselves.
For example, I want to show how you can make this economical position.
W-Ka6,Rd4,Sd2,Bb1(4) B-Kc6,Ba3,Bb3,p.c7,e4(5) And so we have the economical position, the content is not touched and no white pawns (white arestokrat) and King is active.
+1 #8 Nikola Predrag 2014-05-12 22:01
Hm, I just wondered, would it be possible to put wK on c6 and bPe7 instead of bR and, if that could help, to shift the whole position.
+1 #9 seetharaman 2014-05-13 05:38
You are right Nikola. WKc5 and BPe7 works with whole position shifted to left ! Here is the version suggested by Nikola. Well done.

+1 #10 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-05-13 06:51
In my opinion it was better to give Azer just a hint and let him to find the improvement (such as in comment #5) instead of direct presentation of version.
The young composers should try to improve their skills and to searching for improvements.
But I hope that Azer will like to see how skilful composers found weaknesses and their improvements and this will help him in the future!
+1 #11 Nikola Predrag 2014-05-13 07:15
When teenagers are interested and curious about something, it is fascinating to see how quickly their young brains can find the answers to proper questions.

Azer made a nice problem and he only needs to hear a good question about some details of his work. I am pretty sure that he could surprise and answer even better than we might expect.

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