Problem 390: Zoran Gavrilovski - Threemover |
(08.05.2014) Nice threemov
1...Bf3 2.gxf3 (3.fxe4#/Qg4#) Se6 3.fxe4# 1...Se6 2.dxe6 ~ 3.Rc5# 1.Qh4! (2.Re5+! Kxe5/fxe5 3.Qxf6# A/Qxe4# B) 1...Bf3 2.Qxf6+ A Kg4 3.Qxf3# 1...Se6(xe8)/Sxh5 2.Qxe4+ B Kg5 3.Qe5#/Re5# Changed continuations between the set play and the solution with transfer of the threat mates Qxf6# and Qxe4# to second moves in the actual variations + line-opening annihilation of black pawns and pin mates by the white queen in the solution. (Author) Note the threat mates appearing as continuations and the two different pin mates after 1...Se6 and 1....Sxh5. (Seetharaman)
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan