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Problem 388: Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Zivko Janevski - Helpmate

fadiljanevski(04.05.2014) The two grandmasters Fadil Abdurahmanovic & Zivko Janevski combine to produce an interesting helpmate with pinmates in each solution. 



1.Kd5 Bf6 2.Qc5+! Rd4#
1.Sf5 Kf3 2.Qd5+! Re4#
1.Kf5 Kg3 2.Qe5+! Rf4#


A combination of triple black Queen prolonged self-pin with cross-checks and different pinmates by the same White rook in a well constructed Meredith position without white Pawns.  (Authors)
The cross-checks with different mates by the self-pinned rook are just ingenious! (Seetharaman) 


+1 #1 Miodrag Mladenovic 2014-05-04 09:58
Beautiful problem with three nice solutions and nice construction. This was theme for Zivko Janevski JT60. I am wondering what is the status of this tournament. Is award published somewhere?
0 #2 Kjell Widlert 2014-05-04 23:35
Only in the first solution does the cross-check actually determine Black's move order - but the matrix doesn't allow anything else. The wBe7 is crucial to making it all work.

I have not seen the award of the Janevski-60 JT, but I assume it will soon appear in Orbit (where else?).
+1 #3 Kjell Widlert 2014-05-05 17:54
I just learned that the answer to my question "where else?" is "The Macedonian Problemist", and the Award will be printed in the next issue. So have patience!

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