Problem 363: Anatoly Stepochkin - Selfmate |
(18.03.2014) Selfmate Fata Morgana by Anatoly Stepochkin with switchback of the white Rook and exchange of places between Queen and Rook which are captured on the mating move.
Set: 1...axb2# Sol: 1.Sb3! Kxb3 2.Qd3+ Ka4 3.Qa6+ Kb3 4.Rd3+ Ka2 5.Bc3! Kb3 6.Be1+ Ka2 7.Rd1 Kb3 8.Qb5+ Ka2 9.Bb4! Kb3 10.Bd2+ Ka2 11.Qb2+ axb2# (2…Ka2 3.Bc3 Kb3 4.Bd2+ Ka2 5.Qf1 Kb3 6.Qb5+ ..., 4...Ka4 5.Qa6+ Kb3 6.Qb5+...) Bishop and Queen exchange their places. (Author) |
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