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Problem 363: Anatoly Stepochkin - Selfmate

anatoly stepochkin(18.03.2014) Selfmate Fata Morgana by Anatoly Stepochkin with switchback of the white Rook and exchange of places between Queen and Rook which are captured on the mating move.



   Set: 1...axb2#

   Sol: 1.Sb3! Kxb3 2.Qd3+ Ka4 3.Qa6+ Kb3 4.Rd3+ Ka2

5.Bc3! Kb3 6.Be1+ Ka2 7.Rd1 Kb3 8.Qb5+ Ka2 9.Bb4! Kb3

10.Bd2+  Ka2 11.Qb2+ axb2#  

(2…Ka2 3.Bc3 Kb3 4.Bd2+ Ka2 5.Qf1 Kb3 6.Qb5+ ...,

4...Ka4 5.Qa6+ Kb3 6.Qb5+...)

Bishop and Queen exchange their places. (Author)


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