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Problem 338: Igor Kochulov - Fairy (Circe, Neutral pieces)

kochulov(11.02.2014) I am always happy when a new composer contact me. Obviously the website is very good tool to meet composers all over the world and to bringing people together! Here you can see a help-selfmate with reciprocal captures by neutral pieces. Welcome to Igor Kochulov from Russia!



     1.Ke3 Kd8 2.Kf4 nRxf2 3.nBxf2(nRh8)+ nRh4

4.nBxh4(nRh8)+ nRxh4(nBc1)#

     1.Kd2 Kd6 2.nBxh2(Ph7) nRxh2(nBc1)+ 3.Kxc1(nBf8)+ nBh6

4.nRxh6(nBf8)+ nBxh6(nRa1)#

     Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour (pieces), on the file of capture (pawns), or on the capture file’s promotion square (fairy pieces). If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.

     Neutral piece: a piece which can be moved by white and black. 



+2 #1 seetharaman 2014-02-11 21:35
Good use of double checks. Nicely matched mates! If the composer is new, obviously very talented!
0 #2 Diyan Kostadinov 2014-02-11 21:48
He is not new composer, but it was new name to me...
+2 #3 Eric 2014-02-12 18:20
Igor Kochulov is new on KoBulChess but published 2 problems on Julia's Fairies last year (305 and 377).
We all agree he is talented.

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