Problem 315: Zivko Janevski - Helpmate |
(13.01.2013) Nice helpmate by Zivko Janevski with diagonal /orthogonal pins and Umnov effects.
1.Qf4 Bg5 2.Ke3 Re6# 1.Qe5 Rg5 2.Kd5 Bf3# A diagonal/orthogonal setting of double complex anticipatory self-pin of the bQ with Umnov effects, play on the same square in W1 move, reciprocally changed functions of two pairs wB/wR and pin-mates. (Author) |
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General editor:
Diyan Kostadinov
Seetharaman Kalyan
We may see a miracle on the chessboard!
White Be7 Ka2 Rg2 Bd1 (4)
Black Rg5 Ph5 Pc4 Ke4 Pd3 (5)
1...Rg2*g5 2.Ke4-e3 Rg5-g1 3.Ke3-f2 Be7-c5 #
1.Rg5-a5 + Bd1-a4 2.Ra5-g5 Be7*g5 3.Ke4-f3 Ba4-c6 #
Chameleon echo.
The mates are pretty, but the captures of the black rook are not! The fairy condition does not seem essential for this scheme.
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