Задача 364: Alberto Armeni & Adrian Storisteanu - Fairy (Circe Assassin) |
a) The try: 1.Kb3? 0-0-0?? 2.Ka2 Rd6 3.Ka1 Rxa6#, an otherwise exact solution, fails because white's last move must have been with either K or R, invalidating the castling. b) There is a promising set-play, 1...0-0-0 2.Kb3 Rd3+ 3.Ka2 Ra3#. But random attempts to keep it in the actual solution fail, e.g., 1.Ra6-~? 0-0-0?? etc. – it is black to play, and white's last move must have been with K or R, disallowing castling*. In the set-play (with white to move) on the other hand, black's last move legitimizes the castling (regardless of prior wR play) via a suicide (a regular capture being impossible, the black pieces standing on light-coloured squares, the wR on dark) such as bBf6?wRa1(+wRa1), giving birth to a brand-new, ready to castle, wRa1. The same strategy must be employed in the solution: 1.Rxa1(+wRa1)! 0-0-0 2.Kb3 Rd3+ 3.Ka2 Ra3#. *There is no black piece on its own rebirth square in the diagram. If the bR stood on a8 (rather than a6), white would have a non-K/R last move available: again a suicide, but white now, e.g., wBh1xbRa8(+bRa8), which would then allow all those dualistic 0-0-0 solutions... Retro-motivated dual-avoidance. Two ideal mates, two flavours of 0-0-0 illegality, and in both phases the largely superfluous bR manages to disappear in one fashion or another, and quite economically, from the final mate picture. Circe Assassin: circe variant in which the captured unit is returned to its game-array square, even when this rebirth square is occupied – in which case the occupying unit disappears for good (is "assassinated"). Hence a unit located on its home square cannot be removed: its rebirth eliminates the captor (who, in effect, commits "suicide"). |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan