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Задача 334.1.Mikitovics & Balasubramanian & Crisan - Fairy (Swapping Kings, Locust)

mikitovicsbalasubramaniancrisan(18.02.2014) Това е подобрена версия на задача 334, като в авторския състав сега участва и Влайку Крижан.


a) 1...Bc3 2.Sc5(Ke6⇔Kc2) Lxc5-b6(Kc2⇔Ke6) 3.Lxc3-b2 Rd5    

4.Kc3 Ke5 5.Lxd5-d4(Ke5⇔Kc3) Lxd4-e3(Kc3⇔Ke5)#

b) 1...Rd3 2.Sf4(Ke6⇔Kc2) Lxf4-g4(Kc2⇔Ke6) 3.Lxd3-d2 Be5    

4.Kd3 Kd5 5.Lxe5-d4(Kd5⇔Kd3) Lxd4-c4(Kd3⇔Kd5)#

Exchange of functions between two pairs of pieces

(between bBa1 & bRd1 and between wLd8 & wLh8).

Active sacrifices by bB, bR & wS.

Good use of fairy condition with bK & wK swapping 4 times in each phase.

Line clearance by bLd4 for bB/bR.



    Swapping Kings: When the side on-move checks the opposite King, the Kings change places. This is known as the “swap”. A swap is mandatory. The legality of any checking move is evaluated after the swap, except in certain cases involving castling. Castling out-of–check is illegal (wKe1 wRh1 bKe8 bBa5, 1.0-0??). Castling through check is illegal (wKe1 wRh1 bKf8 bBa5, 1.0-0??). Castling into-check is legal (WKe1 WRh1 BKf8 BBa7, 1.0-0!) A King swapped back to its game-array square is considered “reborn” and is eligible to castle.

    Locust: a piece which moves only to capture. It lands on the same squares as a grasshopper, but the arrival square must be empty, because the locust captures its hurdle.


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