Задача 332: Pierre Tritten - Fairy (Take & Make) |
1.Bg5 Bxg5-c1+ 2.Kxc1-h6 Rh8# 1.Sd4 Sxd4-c2 2.Kxc2-e3 Bg5# 1.Rb8 Rxb8-b3+ 2.Kxb3-b5 Sc7# Cyclic Zilahi Cyclic interchange of function between white pieces (sacrifice for BK on initial square of sacrificed black piece of same nature / passive anticipatory guard / mate) Diagonal-orthogonal echo (Author) Take & Make: Every capture ("take") must be complemented by a further step ("make":not a capture) by the capturing piece, using the movement of the captured unit, otherwise the capture is illegal. Pawns may not end up on their own first rank. Captures on the promotion rank lead to promotions only if the pawn is still on the promotion rank after the "make" part of the move. Promotions at the end of the "make" element are normal. |
Главен редактор:
Диян Костадинов
Помощник редактор:
Seetharaman Kalyan