(29.04.2013) Деветото Европейско Първенство по Решаване на Шахматни задачи (ECSC) се проведе във Вилниус, Литва от 26 до 28 Април 2013. Тук може да видите задачи от първенството по решаване и турнирите по съставяне, както и класиранията.
Задачи и решения:


Aleksandr Azhusin от Русия е победител в Open Solving Tournament както и Quick Show, а Еddy Van Beers от Белгия спечели Solving Show.
Турнири по композиране на 9th ECSC (Предварително класиране) I. JT Nikolaj Zujev 60 (h#2)
Theme: h#2 with at least two solutions and two set plays, or more, but the phases must be identical (2+2, 3+3, 4+4 and so on).

1st Prize: Janne Syvaniemi, Finland. 1*...Bc5 2.Rxe5+ Rxe5#, 1*...Bd8 2.Kxd4 Bb6#, 1.Rxd4 Bf6 2.Rd6 exd6#, 1.Rf4 Bc5 2.Rf6 exf6# Spectacular. In set play, black clears the mating line. In the solution, white opens the mating line by capture. 2nd Prize: Genady Koziura, Ukraina. 1*…Kh8 2.Sc5 bxa3#, 1*…Qc6 2.a5 bxc3#, 1.Ba4 Qb7+ 2.Ka5 b4#. 1.Bd5 Qb6+ 2.Kc4 b3# There are two simple mates in the set play. But in the actual play there are a nice bend with active blocking and range of black king. The Albino nicely assembled all phases of play. Helpmate Of The Future (HOTF). Meredith. 3rd Prize: Menachem Witztum, Emanuel Navon, Israel. 1*...exd6+ 2.Re5 dxc7#, 1*...exd5 2.Bxe5 dxe6#, 1.Rxe5 b6 2.cxb6 Rxd6#, 1.Bxe5 e8Q 2.Rxd7+ Qxd7# Also very charming well pointed play with line cleaning and pinning actions.
II. JT Nikolaj Zujev 60 (h#3)
Theme: h # 3: with the mate from the square where moved the black key unit.

1st Prize: Mikola Kolesnik, Aleksandr Semenenko, Ukraine. 1.Bxd5 a3 2.Bxf3 Bxf3 3.Bd4 Bd5#, 1.Rxc3 a4 2.Rxf3 Rxf3 3.Rd4 Rc3# There is the blend of white Novotny and black Grimshow, two popular themes of direct mate genres that are not wide spread in helpmate genre. Excellent matched solutions. 2nd Prize: Mikola Kolesnik, Aleksandr, Valery Semenenko, Ukraine. 1.Sxc2 Sf3 2.exf3 Ba4 3.Ke4 Bxc2#, 1.Sxb5 Bf4 2.exf4 Rb2 3.Ke5 Rb5# Both sides sacrifice the pieces. Change of functions of two pairs of white pieces. 3rd Prize: Vasil Krizhanivsky, Ukraine. 1.Rg5 Bf2 2.Rxc5 Rxc5 3.Sd3 Sg5#, 1.Qf2 Rg5 2.Qxc5 Bxc5 3.Sf3 Sf2# The play is with rich tactics. The white piece takes place of captured white pawn. There is interchange of squares of key moves and mating moves. Model mates.
Официалният сайт е: http://www.sachmatija.puslapiai.lt/ecsc2013/ |